
Efficiently transform and plot data using the most sophisticated tools available in R. Transform data in base-R, dplyr and data.table for rich, interactive data visualizations in ggplot2 and plotly.

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Learn why data preprocessing is crucial in your machine learning workflow and create your first data transformations with the recipes package.

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Learn why data preprocessing is crucial in your machine learning workflow and create your first data transformations with the recipes package.

Some topic title

Learn why data preprocessing is crucial in your machine learning workflow and create your first data transformations with the recipes package.

Some topic title

Learn why data preprocessing is crucial in your machine learning workflow and create your first data transformations with the recipes package.

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A great course set-up to get a first insight into the workings of R and to wet your appetite for more – the possibilities seem endless. A very enjoyable experience, thank you!

Liza Glesener, SICONA

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