Australian Health Service Utilization Data
Cross-section data originating from the 1977–1978 Australian Health Survey.
A data frame containing 5,190 observations on 12 variables.
Number of doctor visits in past 2 weeks.
Factor indicating gender.
Age in years divided by 100.
Annual income in tens of thousands of dollars.
Number of illnesses in past 2 weeks.
Number of days of reduced activity in past 2 weeks due to illness or injury.
General health questionnaire score using Goldberg's method.
Factor. Does the individual have private health insurance?
Factor. Does the individual have free government health insurance due to low income?
Factor. Does the individual have free government health insurance due to old age, disability or veteran status?
Factor. Is there a chronic condition not limiting activity?
Factor. Is there a chronic condition limiting activity?
Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive.
Cameron, A.C. and Trivedi, P.K. (1986). Econometric Models Based on Count Data: Comparisons and Applications of Some Estimators and Tests. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 1, 29–53.
Cameron, A.C. and Trivedi, P.K. (1998). Regression Analysis of Count Data. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mullahy, J. (1997). Heterogeneity, Excess Zeros, and the Structure of Count Data Models. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 12, 337–350.
data("DoctorVisits", package = "AER") library("MASS") ## Cameron and Trivedi (1986), Table III, col. (1) dv_lm <- lm(visits ~ . + I(age^2), data = DoctorVisits) summary(dv_lm) ## Cameron and Trivedi (1998), Table 3.3 dv_pois <- glm(visits ~ . + I(age^2), data = DoctorVisits, family = poisson) summary(dv_pois) ## MLH standard errors coeftest(dv_pois, vcov = vcovOPG) ## MLOP standard errors logLik(dv_pois) ## standard errors denoted RS ("unspecified omega robust sandwich estimate") coeftest(dv_pois, vcov = sandwich) ## Cameron and Trivedi (1986), Table III, col. (4) dv_nb <- glm.nb(visits ~ . + I(age^2), data = DoctorVisits) summary(dv_nb) logLik(dv_nb)
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