Strike Durations
Data on the duration of strikes in US manufacturing industries, 1968–1976.
A data frame containing 62 observations on 2 variables for the period 1968–1976.
strike duration in days.
unanticipated output (a measure of unanticipated aggregate industrial production net of seasonal and trend components).
The original data provided by Kennan (1985) are on a monthly basis, for the period 1968(1) through 1976(12). Greene (2003) only provides the June data for each year. Also, the duration for observation 36 is given as 3 by Greene while Kennan has 2. Here we use Greene's version.
is the residual from a regression of the logarithm of industrial production in manufacturing on time, time squared, and monthly dummy variables.
Online complements to Greene (2003).
Greene, W.H. (2003). Econometric Analysis, 5th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Kennan, J. (1985). The Duration of Contract Strikes in US Manufacturing. Journal of Econometrics, 28, 5–28.
data("StrikeDuration") library("MASS") ## Greene (2003), Table 22.10 fit_exp <- fitdistr(StrikeDuration$duration, "exponential") fit_wei <- fitdistr(StrikeDuration$duration, "weibull") fit_wei$estimate[2]^(-1) fit_lnorm <- fitdistr(StrikeDuration$duration, "lognormal") 1/fit_lnorm$estimate[2] exp(-fit_lnorm$estimate[1]) ## Weibull and lognormal distribution have ## different parameterizations, see Greene p. 794 ## Greene (2003), Example 22.10 library("survival") fm_wei <- survreg(Surv(duration) ~ uoutput, dist = "weibull", data = StrikeDuration) summary(fm_wei)
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