US Consumption Data (1950–1993)
Time series data on US income and consumption expenditure, 1950–1993.
An annual multiple time series from 1950 to 1993 with 2 variables.
Disposable personal income (in 1987 USD).
Personal consumption expenditures (in 1987 USD).
The data is from Baltagi (2002).
Baltagi, B.H. (2002). Econometrics, 3rd ed. Berlin, Springer.
## data from Baltagi (2002) data("USConsump1993", package = "AER") plot(USConsump1993, plot.type = "single", col = 1:2) ## Chapter 5 (p. 122-125) fm <- lm(expenditure ~ income, data = USConsump1993) summary(fm) ## Durbin-Watson test (p. 122) dwtest(fm) ## Breusch-Godfrey test (Table 5.4, p. 124) bgtest(fm) ## Newey-West standard errors (Table 5.5, p. 125) coeftest(fm, vcov = NeweyWest(fm, lag = 3, prewhite = FALSE, adjust = TRUE)) ## Chapter 8 library("strucchange") ## Recursive residuals rr <- recresid(fm) rr ## Recursive CUSUM test rcus <- efp(expenditure ~ income, data = USConsump1993) plot(rcus) sctest(rcus) ## Harvey-Collier test harvtest(fm) ## NOTE" Mistake in Baltagi (2002) who computes ## the t-statistic incorrectly as 0.0733 via mean(rr)/sd(rr)/sqrt(length(rr)) ## whereas it should be (as in harvtest) mean(rr)/sd(rr) * sqrt(length(rr)) ## Rainbow test raintest(fm, center = 23) ## J test for non-nested models library("dynlm") fm1 <- dynlm(expenditure ~ income + L(income), data = USConsump1993) fm2 <- dynlm(expenditure ~ income + L(expenditure), data = USConsump1993) jtest(fm1, fm2) ## Chapter 14 ## ACF and PACF for expenditures and first differences exps <- USConsump1993[, "expenditure"] (acf(exps)) (pacf(exps)) (acf(diff(exps))) (pacf(diff(exps))) ## dynamic regressions, eq. (14.8) fm <- dynlm(d(exps) ~ I(time(exps) - 1949) + L(exps)) summary(fm)
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