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Comparison Table For Linear Models


Collect the coefficients and some qualifying statistics of linear models and organize it in a table for comparison and reporting. The function supports linear and general linear models.


TMod(..., FUN = NULL)

ModSummary(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lm'
ModSummary(x, conf.level = 0.95, ...)
## S3 method for class 'glm'
ModSummary(x, conf.level = 0.95, ...)

## S3 method for class 'TMod'
plot(x, terms = NULL, intercept = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'TMod'
print(x, digits = 3, na.form = "-", ...)



a (general) linear model object.


a list of (general) linear models.


the level for the confidence intervals.


function with arguments est, se, tval, pval, lci, uci to display the coefficients. The default function will display the coefficient and significance stars for the p-values.


a vector with the terms of the model formula to be plotted. By default this will be all of them.


logical, defining whether the intercept should be plotted (default is FALSE).


integer, the desired (fixed) number of digits after the decimal point. Unlike formatC you will always get this number of digits even if the last digit is 0.


character, string specifying how NAs should be specially formatted. If set to NULL (default) no special action will be taken.


In order to compare the coefficients of linear models, the user is left to his own devices. R offers no support in this respect. TMod() jumps into the breach and displays the coefficients of several models in tabular form. For this purpose, different quality indicators for the models are displayed, so that a comprehensive comparison of the models is possible. In particular, it is easy to see the effect that adding or omitting variables has on forecast quality.

A plot function for a TMod object will produce a dotchart with the coefficients and their confidence intervals.


character table


Andri Signorell <>

See Also


r.full <- lm(Fertility ~ . , swiss)
r.nox <- lm(Fertility ~ . -Examination - Catholic, swiss)
r.grp <- lm(Fertility ~ . -Education - Catholic + CutQ(Catholic), swiss)
r.gam <- glm(Fertility ~ . , swiss, family=Gamma(link="identity"))
r.gama <- glm(Fertility ~ .- Agriculture , swiss, family=Gamma(link="identity"))
r.gaml <- glm(Fertility ~ . , swiss, family=Gamma(link="log"))

TMod(r.full, r.nox, r.grp, r.gam, r.gama, r.gaml)

# display confidence intervals
TMod(r.full, r.nox, r.gam, FUN = function(est, se, tval, pval, lci, uci){
  gettextf("%s [%s, %s]",
           Format(est, fmt=Fmt("num")),
           Format(lci, digits=3),
           Format(uci, digits=2)

# cbind interface is not supported!!
# d.titanic <- reshape(,
#                       idvar = c("Class","Sex","Age"),
#                       timevar="Survived",
#                       direction = "wide")
# r.glm0 <- glm(cbind(Freq.Yes, Freq.No) ~ 1, data=d.titanic, family="binomial")
# r.glm1 <- glm(cbind(Freq.Yes, Freq.No) ~ Class, data=d.titanic, family="binomial")
# r.glm2 <- glm(cbind(Freq.Yes, Freq.No) ~ ., data=d.titanic, family="binomial")

d.titanic <- Untable(Titanic)

r.glm0 <- glm(Survived ~ 1, data=d.titanic, family="binomial")
r.glm1 <- glm(Survived ~ Class, data=d.titanic, family="binomial")
r.glm2 <- glm(Survived ~ ., data=d.titanic, family="binomial")

TMod(r.glm0, r.glm1, r.glm2)

# plot OddsRatios
d.pima <- MASS::Pima.tr2

r.a <- glm(type ~ npreg + bp + skin + bmi + ped + age, data=d.pima, family=binomial)
r.b <- glm(type ~ npreg + glu + bp + skin, data=d.pima, family=binomial)
r.c <- glm(type ~ npreg + age, data=d.pima, family=binomial)

or.a <- OddsRatio(r.a)
or.b <- OddsRatio(r.b)
or.c <- OddsRatio(r.c)

# create the model table
tm <- TMod(m_A=or.a, m_B=or.b, m_C=or.c)
# .. and plotit
plot(tm, main="ORs for Models A, B, C", intercept=FALSE,
     pch=15, col=c(hred, hblue, horange), 
     panel.first=abline(v=1, col="grey30"))


Tools for Descriptive Statistics

GPL (>= 2)
Andri Signorell [aut, cre], Ken Aho [ctb], Andreas Alfons [ctb], Nanina Anderegg [ctb], Tomas Aragon [ctb], Chandima Arachchige [ctb], Antti Arppe [ctb], Adrian Baddeley [ctb], Kamil Barton [ctb], Ben Bolker [ctb], Hans W. Borchers [ctb], Frederico Caeiro [ctb], Stephane Champely [ctb], Daniel Chessel [ctb], Leanne Chhay [ctb], Nicholas Cooper [ctb], Clint Cummins [ctb], Michael Dewey [ctb], Harold C. Doran [ctb], Stephane Dray [ctb], Charles Dupont [ctb], Dirk Eddelbuettel [ctb], Claus Ekstrom [ctb], Martin Elff [ctb], Jeff Enos [ctb], Richard W. Farebrother [ctb], John Fox [ctb], Romain Francois [ctb], Michael Friendly [ctb], Tal Galili [ctb], Matthias Gamer [ctb], Joseph L. Gastwirth [ctb], Vilmantas Gegzna [ctb], Yulia R. Gel [ctb], Sereina Graber [ctb], Juergen Gross [ctb], Gabor Grothendieck [ctb], Frank E. Harrell Jr [ctb], Richard Heiberger [ctb], Michael Hoehle [ctb], Christian W. Hoffmann [ctb], Soeren Hojsgaard [ctb], Torsten Hothorn [ctb], Markus Huerzeler [ctb], Wallace W. Hui [ctb], Pete Hurd [ctb], Rob J. Hyndman [ctb], Christopher Jackson [ctb], Matthias Kohl [ctb], Mikko Korpela [ctb], Max Kuhn [ctb], Detlew Labes [ctb], Friederich Leisch [ctb], Jim Lemon [ctb], Dong Li [ctb], Martin Maechler [ctb], Arni Magnusson [ctb], Ben Mainwaring [ctb], Daniel Malter [ctb], George Marsaglia [ctb], John Marsaglia [ctb], Alina Matei [ctb], David Meyer [ctb], Weiwen Miao [ctb], Giovanni Millo [ctb], Yongyi Min [ctb], David Mitchell [ctb], Franziska Mueller [ctb], Markus Naepflin [ctb], Daniel Navarro [ctb], Henric Nilsson [ctb], Klaus Nordhausen [ctb], Derek Ogle [ctb], Hong Ooi [ctb], Nick Parsons [ctb], Sandrine Pavoine [ctb], Tony Plate [ctb], Luke Prendergast [ctb], Roland Rapold [ctb], William Revelle [ctb], Tyler Rinker [ctb], Brian D. Ripley [ctb], Caroline Rodriguez [ctb], Nathan Russell [ctb], Nick Sabbe [ctb], Ralph Scherer [ctb], Venkatraman E. Seshan [ctb], Michael Smithson [ctb], Greg Snow [ctb], Karline Soetaert [ctb], Werner A. Stahel [ctb], Alec Stephenson [ctb], Mark Stevenson [ctb], Ralf Stubner [ctb], Matthias Templ [ctb], Duncan Temple Lang [ctb], Terry Therneau [ctb], Yves Tille [ctb], Luis Torgo [ctb], Adrian Trapletti [ctb], Joshua Ulrich [ctb], Kevin Ushey [ctb], Jeremy VanDerWal [ctb], Bill Venables [ctb], John Verzani [ctb], Pablo J. Villacorta Iglesias [ctb], Gregory R. Warnes [ctb], Stefan Wellek [ctb], Hadley Wickham [ctb], Rand R. Wilcox [ctb], Peter Wolf [ctb], Daniel Wollschlaeger [ctb], Joseph Wood [ctb], Ying Wu [ctb], Thomas Yee [ctb], Achim Zeileis [ctb]
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