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Create Model Objects for Subsets of Data


Extends the buildModelObj() function of package modelObj. Here, the returned model object includes a specification of the decision point and subset of the data to which the model is to be applied.


  solver.args = NULL,
  predict.method = NULL,
  predict.args = NULL,
  dp = 1L,
  subset = NA



ignored. Included to require named input.


An object of class formula. The symbolic description of the model to be fitted. If the regression method specified in solver.method accepts as input a formula object, model is passed to the solver.method function. If the regression method instead accepts a matrix of covariates as the model to fit, model is used to obtain the model matrix that is passed to the solver.method function.


An object of class character. The name of the R function to be used to obtain parameter estimates, e.g., 'lm', 'glm', or 'rpart'. The specified function MUST have a corresponding predict method, which can be the generic predict() function.


An object of class list. Additional arguments to be sent to the function specified in solver.method. This argument must be provided as a named list, where the name of each element matches a formal argument of the function specified in solver.method. For example, if a logistic regression using 'glm' is desired,

solver.method = "glm"
solver.args = list("family"=binomial)

See Details section for further information.


An object of class character. The name of the R function to be used to obtain predictions, e.g., 'predict.lm', 'predict', or 'predict.glm'. If no function is explicitly given, the generic predict() is assumed. For many regression methods, the generic predict() method is appropriate.


An object of class list. Additional arguments to be sent to the function specified in predict.method. This argument must be provided as a named list, where the name of each element matches a formal argument of the function specified in predict.method. For example, if a logistic regression using 'glm' was used to fit the model and predictions on the scale of the response are desired,

predict.method = "predict.glm"
predict.args = list("type"="response").

See Details section for further information.


An object of class integer. The decision point for which this model and subset are defined.


An object of class character. A nickname for the subset for which model and methods are to be used. This argument will be used by the methods of DynTxRegime to "link" input arguments. In the event that a model is to be fit using more than 1 subset, collapse the subset names into a single character string separating each with a comma. For example, if the model is to be fit using patients in both subsets "a" and "b," the subset nickname should be "a,b" (no space).


In some settings, an analyst may want to use different models for unique subsets of the data. buildModelObjSubset() provides a mechanism for users to define models for such subset. Specifically, models are specified in connection with the decision point and subset to which they are to be applied.

See ?modelObj for further details


An object of class ModelObjSubset, which contains a complete description of the conditions under which a model is to be used and the R methods to be used to obtain parameter estimates and predictions.


# Consider a 2 decision point trial. At the 1st decision point, the subset of 
# treatment options available to each patient is always set "set1."
# At the 2nd decision point, some patients are eligible to receive
# treatment from set "set2a" and others from set "set2b." The outcome
# for these subsets will be modeled as ~ x1 + x2 and ~ x2 + x3, respectively.
# All parameter estimates are to be obtained used lm and predictions obtained using predict.
# The following illustrates how to build these model objects.

  model <- list()

  model[[1]] <- buildModelObjSubset(dp = 1, subset = "set1",
                                    model = ~ x1 + x2 + x3, solver.method = 'lm')

  model[[2]] <- buildModelObjSubset(dp = 2, subset = "set2a",
                                    model = ~ ~ x1 + x2, solver.method = 'lm')

  model[[3]] <- buildModelObjSubset(dp = 2, subset = "set2b",
                                    model = ~ x2 + x3, solver.method = 'lm')


Methods for Estimating Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes

S. T. Holloway, E. B. Laber, K. A. Linn, B. Zhang, M. Davidian, and A. A. Tsiatis
Initial release

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