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Male lung cancer incidence in Denmark


Male lung cancer cases and population riks time in Denmark, for the period 1943–1992 in ages 40–89.




A data frame with 220 observations on the following 9 variables.

A5: Left end point of the age interval, a numeric vector.
P5: Left enpoint of the period interval, a numeric vector.
C5: Left enpoint of the birth cohort interval, a numeric vector.
up: Indicator of upper trianges of each age by period rectangle in the Lexis diagram. (up=(P5-A5-C5)/5).
Ax: The mean age of diagnois (at risk) in the triangle.
Px: The mean date of diagnosis (at risk) in the triangle.
Cx: The mean date of birth in the triangle, a numeric vector.
D: Number of diagnosed cases of male lung cancer.
Y: Risk time in the male population, person-years.


Cases and person-years are tabulated by age and date of diagnosis (period) as well as date of birth (cohort) in 5-year classes. Each observation in the dataframe correponds to a triangle in a Lexis diagram. Triangles are classified by age and date of diagnosis, period of diagnosis and date of birth, all in 5-year groupings.


The Danish Cancer Registry and Statistics Denmark.


For a more thorough exposition of statistical inference in the Lexis diagram, see: B. Carstensen: Age-Period-Cohort models for the Lexis diagram. Statistics in Medicine, 26: 3018-3045, 2007.


data( lungDK )
# Draw a Lexis diagram and show the number of cases in it.
attach( lungDK )
Lexis.diagram( age=c(40,90), date=c(1943,1993), coh.grid=TRUE )
text( Px, Ax, paste( D ), cex=0.7 )


Statistical Analysis in Epidemiology

Bendix Carstensen [aut, cre], Martyn Plummer [aut], Esa Laara [ctb], Michael Hills [ctb]
Initial release

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