Borders of world CountryBorders
This dataset contains a polygon shapefile that can be used to plot the borders of CountryBorders.
A SpatialPolygons
This SpatialPolygons is derived from the
of the package maps. Please refer to this
other package for description and sources of this dataset. See example for
details on how we created the dataset.
for another polygon shapefile used to
embellish the plots
if(require(sp)) plot(CountryBorders, border="red", col="darkgrey") ## How did we create this file? ## Uncomment the following to create the file as we did #if(require(maps) & require(maptools) & require(rgeos)){ # worldmap <- map("world", fill = TRUE, plot = FALSE) # CountryBorders <- map2SpatialPolygons(worldmap, IDs = worldmap$names) # CountryBorders <- gBuffer(CountryBorders, byid = TRUE, width = 0) # proj4string(CountryBorders) <- CRS(as.character(NA)) # CountryBorders # save(CountryBorders, file = "CountryBorders.rda", compress = "xz") #}
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