The precipitation monthly amounts for Germany
This brick of rasters contains the monthly precipitation amounts (in mm) for Germany with a resolution of approximately 30 square-km.
A RasterBrick
The data are derived from "precipitation (mm) WorldClim Version2" which can
be downloaded using the function getprecip
to prepare this raster
## The following example requires to download ## a large precipitation rasters with the function getprecip() ## and will therefore not run unless you uncomment it ## How did we create this file? ## Uncomment the following to create the file as we did #getprecip() ## Download the tif files (~ 1 Gb compressed) #PrecipBrickDE <- prepcipitate(raster = ElevRasterDE) #save(PrecipBrickDE, file = "PrecipBrickDE", compress = "xz")
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