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Colour palettes for plotting


These datasets contain colour vectors that can be used for plotting. In our examples, we use the isopalette1 for plotting the isoscape using plot.ISOSCAPE and isopalette2 for plotting the assignment outcome using plot.ISOFIND.


A vector of colours


Colour palettes can be created by using the function colorRamp that interpolates colours between a set of given colours. One can also use colorRampPalette to create functions providing colours. Also interesting, the function colorspace::choose_palette offers a GUI interface allowing to create and save a palette in a hexadecimal format (which can later on be imported into R). This latter function is however limited to a maximum of 50 colours. You can also use R colour palettes already available such as terrain.colors or others available (see examples below). Alternatively, you can design your own colour palette by writing standard hexadecimal code of colours into a vector.


We use the package rasterVis for plotting. Instead of using colour palettes directly, one can also use any "Theme" designed for the lattice graphic environment (see source for details).


For information on how to use themes, check:

See Also

rainbow for information about R colour palettes

colorRamp and colorspace::choose_palette to create your own palettes


## A comparison of some colour palette

par(mfrow = c(2, 3))
pie(rep(1, length(isopalette1)), col = isopalette1,
    border = NA, labels = NA, clockwise = TRUE, main = "isopalette1")
pie(rep(1, length(isopalette2)), col = isopalette2,
    border = NA, labels = NA, clockwise = TRUE, main = "isopalette2")
pie(rep(1, 100), col = terrain.colors(100), border = NA, labels = NA,
    clockwise = TRUE, main = "terrain.colors")
pie(rep(1, 100), col = rainbow(100), border = NA, labels = NA,
    clockwise = TRUE, main = "rainbow")
pie(rep(1, 100), col = topo.colors(100), border = NA, labels = NA,
    clockwise = TRUE, main = "topo.colors")
pie(rep(1, 100), col = heat.colors(100), border = NA, labels = NA,
    clockwise = TRUE, main = "heat.colors")

## Creating your own colour palette
MyPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "green", "red"), bias = 0.7)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
pie(1:100, col = MyPalette(100), border = NA, labels = NA,
    clockwise = TRUE, main = "a home-made palette")

## Turing palettes into functions for use in IsoriX
Isopalette1Fn <- colorRampPalette(isopalette1, bias = 0.5)
Isopalette2Fn <- colorRampPalette(isopalette2, bias = 0.5)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
pie(1:100, col = Isopalette1Fn(100), border = NA, labels = NA,
    clockwise = TRUE, main = "isopalette1")
pie(1:100, col = Isopalette2Fn(100), border = NA, labels = NA,
    clockwise = TRUE, main = "isopalette2")


Isoscape Computation and Inference of Spatial Origins using Mixed Models

GPL (>= 2)
Alexandre Courtiol [aut, cre] (<>), François Rousset [aut] (<>), Marie-Sophie Rohwaeder [aut], Stephanie Kramer-Schadt [aut] (<>)
Initial release

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