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Prepare the raster brick containing the precipitation data


This functions turns the WorldClim data downloaded using the function getprecip into a RasterBrick of same resolution and extent as the structural raster. This function is designed to be used with isomultiscape.


prepcipitate(path = NULL, raster, verbose = interactive())



A string indicating the path where the WorldClim data have been downloaded. If the path is null (the default) the function will assume that the folder containing the precipitation data is in the current directory


A raster containing the structural raster


A logical indicating whether information about the progress of the procedure should be displayed or not while the function is running. By default verbose is TRUE if users use an interactive R session, and FALSE otherwise.

See Also

getprecip to download the relevant precipitation data

PrecipBrickDE for the stored precipitation data for Germany

prepelev to prepare an elevation raster


## The following example takes some time and download a large amount of data (~ 1 Gb).
## It will therefore not be run unless you uncomment it

### We fit the models for Germany:
#GNIPDataDEagg <- prepsources(data = GNIPDataDE)
#GermanFit <- isofit(data = GNIPDataDEagg,
#                    mean_model_fix = list(elev = TRUE, lat.abs = TRUE))
#StrRaster <- prepraster(raster = ElevRasterDE,
#                        isofit = GermanFit,
#                        aggregation_factor = 0)
#getprecip(path = "~/Desktop/")
#PrecipitationBrick <- prepcipitate(path = "~/Desktop/",
#                                   raster = StrRaster
#                                   )


Isoscape Computation and Inference of Spatial Origins using Mixed Models

GPL (>= 2)
Alexandre Courtiol [aut, cre] (<>), François Rousset [aut] (<>), Marie-Sophie Rohwaeder [aut], Stephanie Kramer-Schadt [aut] (<>)
Initial release

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