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Kernel-Based Metabolomic Differential Analysis


This package implements a kernel-based score test in metabolomic differential analysis. In order to capture the special natural of metabolomic data, two new kernel functions are designed in this package. One is a distance-based kernel and the other is a stratified kernel. This kernel approach also allows set-level analysis. It can be use to test whether a set of metabolites (or a metabolite pathway) are differentially expressed under two conditions.


Package: KMDA
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-03-26
License: GPL(>=2)
Functions: dkernel calcluates the distance-based kernel.
skernel calcluates the stratified kernel.
dscore performs the distance-based kernel score test.
sscore performs the stratified kernel score test. performs the grouping of metabolites into metabolite-set based on Pearson correlation. performs the grouping of metabolites into metabolite-set based on Spearman correlation.


Xiang Zhan and Debashis Ghosh
Maintainer: Xiang Zhan <>


Zhan, X., Patterson, A. D., & Ghosh, D. (2015). Kernel approaches for differential expression analysis of mass spectrometry-based metabolomics data. BMC Bioinformatics, 16(1), 77.


Kernel-Based Metabolite Differential Analysis

GNU General Public License
Xiang Zhan and Debashis Ghosh
Initial release

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