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Stable isotopic data of canine from ST61


This data set gives the stable carbons and nitrogen isotope ratios of dentin serial sections obtained from a human mandibular canine tooth of an individual ST61 (AD 1655–1732) from the Unseiji temple, Japan, reported in Tsutaya et al. (2016).




unseiji_ST61_C is a list containing 6 elements.

rt.y y-value for the root tip (i.e., length [mm] of the dentin).
ecj x- and y-coordinates of enamel-cement junction. Dentin horn is placed on the geometric origin, and root tip is placed on the y-axis with a positive value.
section.y y-values for the horizontal sections.
t.start and t.end The age at the start and end of dentin formation, respectively.
section Data frame with 18 dentin serial sections (rows) and 3 variables (columns) of assigned midpoint age with equal temporal division, carbon, and nitrogen isotope ratios, named age, d13C, and d15N, respectively.


See detail for Tsutaya et al. (2016).


Tsutaya T, Miyamoto H, Uno H, Omori T, Gakuhari T, Inahara A, Nagaoka T, Abe M, Yoneda M. 2016. From cradle to grave: multi-isotopic investigations on the life history of a higher-status female in the Edo period Japan. Anthropological Science 124:185–197. DOI: 10.1537/ase.161029.


Modeling Human Dentin Serial Sectioning

GPL (>= 3)
Takumi Tsutaya [aut, cre] (<>)
Initial release

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