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Methods for function print in Package NADA


Methods for function print in package NADA


x = "ANY"

Default print method

x = "Cen"

Displays a Cen object.

x = "cenfit"

Displays a cenfit object.

x = "cenmle"

Displays a cenmle object.

x = "cenreg"

Displays a cenreg object.

x = "summary.cenreg"

Displays a summary.cenreg object.

x = "ros"

Displays a ros object.

x = "censummary"

Displays a censummary object.

x = "NADAList"

Displays a NADAList object. This is an internal method and should rarely be used from the command line.


Nondetects and Data Analysis for Environmental Data

GPL (>= 2)
Lopaka Lee
Initial release

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