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Mapping Fisheries Data and Spatial Analysis Tools

This software has evolved from fisheries research conducted at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS) in 'Nanaimo', British Columbia, Canada. It extends the R language to include two-dimensional plotting features similar to those commonly available in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Embedded C code speeds algorithms from computational geometry, such as finding polygons that contain specified point events or converting between longitude-latitude and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates. Additionally, we include 'C++' code developed by Angus Johnson for the 'Clipper' library, data for a global shoreline, and other data sets in the public domain. Under the user's R library directory '.libPaths()', specifically in './PBSmapping/doc', a complete user's guide is offered and should be consulted to use package functions effectively.

Functions (68)


Mapping Fisheries Data and Spatial Analysis Tools

GPL (>= 2)
Jon T. Schnute [aut], Nicholas Boers [aut], Rowan Haigh [aut, cre], Alex Couture-Beil [ctb], Denis Chabot [ctb], Chris Grandin [ctb], Angus Johnson [ctb], Paul Wessel [ctb], Franklin Antonio [ctb], Nicholas J. Lewin-Koh [ctb], Roger Bivand [ctb]
Initial release

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