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Defunct Functions in Package QRM


The functions listed below which were contained in the package QRMlib are now defunct. The user is referred to the suggested functions as an alternative.


aggregateMonthlySeries() is defunct. use aggregate() in package timeSeries.
aggregateQuarterlySeries is defunct. use aggregate() in package timeSeries.
aggregateSignalSeries() is defunct. use aggregate() in package timeSeries.
aggregateWeeklySeries() is defunct. use aggregate() in package timeSeries.
besselM3() is defunct. use besselK() in package base.
ConvertDFToTimeSeries() is defunct. use timeSeries() in package timeSeries.
CovToCor() is defunct. use cov2cor() in package stats.
fit.Archcopula2d() is defunct. use fit.AC().
fit.GPDb() is defunct. use fit.GPD().
fit.tcopula.rank() is defunct. use fit.tcopula().
hessb() is defunct. use hessian() in package numDeriv.
kurtosisSPlus() is defunct. use kurtosis() in package timeDate.
lbeta() is defunct. use lbeta() in package base.
mk.returns() is defunct. use returnSeries() in package timeSeries.
plotMultiTS() is defunct. use plot() in package timeSeries.
psifunc() is defunct. use psi() in package gsl.
signalSeries() is defunct. use series() in package timeSeries.
symmetrize() is defunct. use forceSymmetric() in package Matrix.
extremalPP() is defunct.
unmark() is defunct.
plot.MPP() is defunct.
plot.PP() is defunct.
fit.POT() is defunct.
sePP.negloglik() is defunct.
seMPP.negloglik() is defunct.
volfunction() is defunct.
plot.sePP() is defunct.
fit.sePP() is defunct.
fit.seMPP() is defunct.
stationary.sePP() is defunct.


Provides R-Language Code to Examine Quantitative Risk Management Concepts

GPL (>= 2)
Bernhard Pfaff [aut, cre], Marius Hofert [ctb], Alexander McNeil [aut] (S-Plus original (QRMlib)), Scott Ulmann [trl] (First R port as package QRMlib)
Initial release

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