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Upload content via FTP


This function is a relatively simple wrapper for curlPerform which allows the caller to upload a file to an FTP server. One can upload the contents of a file from the local file system or the contents already in memory. One specifies the FTP server and the fully-qualified file name and path where the contents are to be stored. One can specify the user login and password via the userpwd option for curlPerform via the ... parameter, or one can put this information directly in the target URL (i.e. to) in the form

This function can handle binary or text content.


ftpUpload(what, to, asText = inherits(what, "AsIs") || is.raw(what),
          ..., curl = getCurlHandle())



the name of a local file or the contents to be uploaded. This can can be text or binary content. This can also be an open connection. If this value is raw or has class AsIs by being enclosed within I(), it is treated as literal content.


the URL to which the content is to be uploaded. This should be the ftp server with the prefix ftp:// and optionally the user login and password, and then the path to the file in which the content is to be stored.


a logical value indicating whether to treat the value of what as content, be it text or raw/binary vector. Otherwise, what is treated as the name of a file.


additional arguments passed on to curlPerform.


the curl handle to use for the curlPerform


The result of the curlPerform call.


One can also provide additional FTP commands that are executed before and after the upload as part of the request. Use the prequote, quote, and postquote options in curlPerform for these.


Duncan Temple Lang


FTP, libcurl

See Also


## Not run: 

  ftpUpload(I("Some text to be uploaded into a file\nwith several lines"),

  ftpUpload(I("Some text to be uploaded into a file\nwith several lines"),
            userpwd = "login:password"

  ftpUpload(system.file("examples", "system.png", package = "RCurl"), 
            postquote = c("CWD subdir", "RNFR Election.rda", "RNTO ElectionPolls.rda")
## End(Not run)


General Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R

BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
CRAN Team [ctb, cre] (de facto maintainer since 2013), Duncan Temple Lang [aut] (<>)
Initial release

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