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Turning Bands Method


RMtbm is a univariate or multivaraiate stationary isotropic covariance model in dimension reduceddim which depends on a univariate or multivariate stationary isotropic covariance phi in a bigger dimension fulldim. For formulas for the covariance function see details.


RMtbm(phi, fulldim, reduceddim, layers, var, scale, Aniso, proj)


phi, fulldim, reduceddim, layers

See RPtbm.


optional arguments; same meaning for any RMmodel. If not passed, the above covariance function remains unmodified.


The turning bands method stems from the 1:1 correspondence between the isotropic covariance functions of different dimensions. See Gneiting (1999) and Strokorb and Schlather (2014).

The standard case is reduceddim=1 and fulldim=3. If only one of the arguments is given, then the difference of the two arguments equals 2.

For d == n + 2, where n=reduceddim and d==fulldim the original dimension, we have

C(r) = phi(r) + r phi'(r) / n

which for n=1 reduces to the standard TBM operator

C(r) = d/dr [ r phi(r) ]

For d == 2 && n == 1 we have

C(r) = d/dr int_0^r [ r phi(r) ] / [ sqrt{r^2 - u^2} ] d u

‘Turning layers’ is a generalization of the turning bands method, see Schlather (2011).


RMtbm returns an object of class RMmodel.



Turning bands

  • Gneiting, T. (1999) On the derivatives of radial positive definite function. J. Math. Anal. Appl, 236, 86-99

  • Matheron, G. (1973). The intrinsic random functions and their applications. Adv . Appl. Probab., 5, 439-468.

  • Strokorb, K., Ballani, F., and Schlather, M. (2014) Tail correlation functions of max-stable processes: Construction principles, recovery and diversity of some mixing max-stable processes with identical TCF. Extremes, Submitted.

Turning layers

  • Schlather, M. (2011) Construction of covariance functions and unconditional simulation of random fields. In Porcu, E., Montero, J.M. and Schlather, M., Space-Time Processes and Challenges Related to Environmental Problems. New York: Springer.

See Also


RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

x <- seq(0, 10, 0.02)
model <- RMspheric()
plot(model, model.on.the.line=RMtbm(RMspheric()), xlim=c(-1.5, 1.5))

z <- RFsimulate(RPtbm(model), x, x)


Simulation and Analysis of Random Fields

GPL (>= 3)
Martin Schlather [aut, cre], Alexander Malinowski [aut], Marco Oesting [aut], Daphne Boecker [aut], Kirstin Strokorb [aut], Sebastian Engelke [aut], Johannes Martini [aut], Felix Ballani [aut], Olga Moreva [aut], Jonas Auel[ctr], Peter Menck [ctr], Sebastian Gross [ctr], Ulrike Ober [ctb], Paulo Ribeiro [ctb], Brian D. Ripley [ctb], Richard Singleton [ctb], Ben Pfaff [ctb], R Core Team [ctb]
Initial release

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