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Rcpp : unit tests results


Unit tests results for package Rcpp.

Unit tests are run automatically at build time and reports are included in the doc directory as html or text.

See Also

../doc/unitTests-results/Rcpp-unitTests.html: html formatted unit test report


# unit tests are in the unitTests directory of the package
list.files( system.file("unitTests", package = "Rcpp" ),
	pattern = "^runit", full = TRUE )

# trigger the unit tests preparation, follow printed instructions
# on how to run them
## Not run: 
source( system.file("unitTests", "runTests.R", package = "Rcpp" ) )

## End(Not run)


Seamless R and C++ Integration

GPL (>= 2)
Dirk Eddelbuettel, Romain Francois, JJ Allaire, Kevin Ushey, Qiang Kou, Nathan Russell, Douglas Bates and John Chambers
Initial release

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