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Jambi MODIS Data


This data set contains the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI) image data from NASA’s MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) with global coverage at 250 m^2. The goal of the study is to collect raw image data of the Jambi Province, Indonesia. Indonesia manages various forested land utilizations such as natural forest and plantations which, in the past, have been exploited throughout the country. Greater criticisms on forest exploitation lead to a moratorium which needs to be monitored frequently. Assessment of woody vegetation could be taken using field surveys or remote sensing. It was found that season is probably the most intriguing factor in vegetative land cover, especially in long-term land cover changes (Lambin, 1999). The data was gathered starting in 2000-02-18 and ending in 2019-07-28 every 16 days.




A list which contains two 33 by 33 by 448 arrays where one array is for NDVI image data and the other is for EVI image data. The list also contains a date vector of length 448 which specifies upon which date was each image 33 by 33 image taken.

Days 1 - 448

Pixel intensity with values between zero and one


  1. Lambin, E., Geist, H., Lepers, E. (1999). Dynamics of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Tropical Regions Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 205-244.


See Also


Functional Singular Spectrum Analysis

GPL (>= 2)
Hossein Haghbin [aut, cre], Seyed Morteza Najibi [aut], Jordan Trinka [aut], Mehdi Maadooliat [aut]
Initial release

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