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Accurate Incomplete Beta / Beta Probabilities For Integer Shapes


For integers a, b, I(x; a,b) aka pbeta(x, a,b) is a polynomial in x with rational coefficients, and hence arbitarily accurately computable.


pbetaI(q, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
       precBits = NULL,
       useRational = !log.p && !is.mpfr(q) && is.null(precBits),
       rnd.mode = c("N","D","U","Z","A"))



called x, above; vector of quantiles, in [0,1]; can be numeric, or of class "mpfr" or also "bigq" (“big rational” from package gmp); in the latter case, if log.p = FALSE as by default, all computations are exact, using big rational arithmetic.

shape1, shape2

the positive Beta “shape” parameters, called a, b, above. Must be integer valued for this function.


unused, only for compatibility with pbeta, must be kept at its default, 0.


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[X ≤ x], otherwise, P[X > x].


logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).


the precision (in number of bits) to be used in sumBinomMpfr().


optional logical, specifying if we should try to do everything in exact rational arithmetic, i.e, using package gmp functionality only, and return bigq numbers instead of mpfr numbers.


a 1-letter string specifying how rounding should happen at C-level conversion to MPFR, see mpfr.


an "mpfr" vector of the same length as q.


For upper tail probabilities, i.e., when lower.tail=FALSE, we may need large precBits, because the implicit or explicit 1 - P computation suffers from severe cancellation.


Martin Maechler

See Also


x <- (0:12)/16 # not all the way up ..
a <- 7; b <- 788

p.  <- pbetaI(x, a, b) ## a bit slower:
pp  <- pbetaI(x, a, b, precBits = 2048)
) # 0.23 -- 0.50 sec
## Currently, the lower.tail=FALSE  are computed "badly":
lp  <- log(pp)    ## = pbetaI(x, a, b, log.p=TRUE)
lIp <- log1p(-pp) ## = pbetaI(x, a, b, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)
 Ip <- 1 - pp     ## = pbetaI(x, a, b, lower.tail=FALSE)

if(Rmpfr:::doExtras()) { ## somewhat slow
     all.equal(lp,  pbetaI(x, a, b, precBits = 2048, log.p=TRUE)),
     all.equal(lIp, pbetaI(x, a, b, precBits = 2048, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE),
               tol = 1e-230),
     all.equal( Ip, pbetaI(x, a, b, precBits = 2048, lower.tail=FALSE))

rErr <- function(approx, true, eps = 1e-200) {
    true <- as.numeric(true) # for "mpfr"
    ifelse(Mod(true) >= eps,
           ## relative error, catching '-Inf' etc :
	   ifelse(true == approx, 0, 1 - approx / true),
           ## else: absolute error (e.g. when true=0)
	   true - approx)

rErr(pbeta(x, a, b), pp)
rErr(pbeta(x, a, b, lower=FALSE), Ip)
rErr(pbeta(x, a, b, log = TRUE),  lp)
rErr(pbeta(x, a, b, lower=FALSE, log = TRUE),  lIp)

a.EQ <- function(..., tol=1e-15) all.equal(..., tolerance=tol)
  a.EQ(pp,  pbeta(x, a, b)),
  a.EQ(lp,  pbeta(x, a, b, log.p=TRUE)),
  a.EQ(lIp, pbeta(x, a, b, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)),
  a.EQ( Ip, pbeta(x, a, b, lower.tail=FALSE))

## When 'q' is a  bigrational (i.e., class "bigq", package 'gmp'), everything
## is computed *exactly* with bigrational arithmetic:
(q4 <- as.bigq(1, 2^(0:4)))
pb4 <- pbetaI(q4, 10, 288, lower.tail=FALSE)
stopifnot( is.bigq(pb4) )
mpb4 <- as(pb4, "mpfr")
getPrec(mpb4) # 128 349 1100 1746 2362
(pb. <- pbeta(asNumeric(q4), 10, 288, lower.tail=FALSE))
stopifnot(mpb4[1] == 0,
          all.equal(mpb4, pb., tol=4e-15))

qbetaI. <- function(p, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
    precBits = NULL, rnd.mode = c("N", "D", "U", "Z", "A"),
    tolerance = 1e-20, ...)
    if( <- as.integer(shape1))) stop("a = shape1 is not coercable to finite integer")
    if( <- as.integer(shape2))) stop("b = shape2 is not coercable to finite integer")
    unirootR(function(q) pbetaI(q, a, b, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p,
                                precBits=precBits, rnd.mode=rnd.mode) - p,
             interval = if(log.p) c(-double.xmax, 0) else 0:1,
             tol = tolerance, ...)
} # end{qbetaI}

(p <- 1 - mpfr(1,128)/20) # 'p' must be high precision
q95.1.3 <- qbetaI.(p, 1,3, tolerance = 1e-29) # -> ~29 digits accuracy
str(q95.1.3) ; roundMpfr(q95.1.3$root, precBits = 29 * log2(10))
## relative error is really small:
(relE <- asNumeric(1 - pbetaI(q95.1.3$root, 1,3) / p))
stopifnot(abs(relE) < 1e-28)


R MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable

GPL (>= 2)
Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Richard M. Heiberger [ctb] (formatHex(), *Bin, *Dec), John C. Nash [ctb] (hjkMpfr(), origin of unirootR()), Hans W. Borchers [ctb] (optimizeR(*, "GoldenRatio"); origin of hjkMpfr())
Initial release

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