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bubblePlot_Styles providing various uses of the core bubblePlot function


Function includes a number of "styles" associated with bubblePlot to create bubble plots depicting a variety of relationships often of interest to stakeholders. The bubblePlot function itself is adaptable to many representations but is most often used in conjunction with results derived from summarizeSGP to represent summary level results of growth against achievement (usually, median student growth percentile against percentage at/above proficient).





An object of class SGP containing long formatted data in the @Data slot that will be used for the production of student growth and achievement plots and system growth and achievement plots, summary data from summarizeSGP in the @Summary slot for bubble plots.


Acronym indicating state associated with the summaries for access to assessment program information embedded in SGPstateData.


A vector indicating year(s) in which to produce bubblePlots using data available in sgp_object. If missing the function will use the last year available in the data to produce bubblePlots.


A vector indicating content area(s) to produce bubblePlots using data available in sgp_object. If missing the function will produce plots for all available content areas provided in the data.


A vector indicating districts to produce bubblePlots using data available in sgp_object. If missing the function will produce plots for all available districts provided in the data where districts represent a relevant unit to be represented by the specific bubblePlot style.


A vector indicating schools to produce bubblePlots using data available in sgp_object. If missing the function will produce plots for all available schools provided in the data where districts represent a relevant unit to be represented by the specific bubblePlot style.


A vector indicating instructors to produce bubblePlots using data available in sgp_object. If missing the function will produce plots for all available instructors provided in the data where schools and districts represent relevant units to be represented by the specific bubblePlot style.


A vector of positive integers indicating the types of bubblePlots to produce using data available in sgp_object. See associated documentation for example plots.


A character vector of levels to be used to color bubbles in the bubblePlot. See associated documentation for example plots.


A vector of cuts to be used to distinguish levels used to color bubbles in the bubblePlot. See associated documentation for example plots.


A Boolean argument (defaults to TRUE) indicating whether bubblePlots should use full academic year results if available.


A positive integer (defaults to 10) indicating the minimum size for summary values to be displayed in the bubblePlots.


A Boolean argument (defaults to FALSE) indicating whether to anonymize bubblePlots school and district names that appear in the plots and data tips of the plots. For student level anonymization, the function utilizes the randomNames package to produce gender and ethnic correct names based upon gender and ethnicity codes available in @Data.


A Boolean argument (defaults to TRUE) indicating whether to produce bubblePlots using prior achievement as well as current achievement as the vertical dimension of the bubblePlot.


A Boolean argument (defaults to FALSE) indicating whether to put an indicator on the chart noting that the results are draft and to not distribute.


A Boolean argument (defaults to FALSE) indicating whether to produce demo student level plots (styles 150 and/or 153) for instructors.


Argument indicating the desired type of output format for bubble plots. Either 'PDF' (default) or 'PNG'.


Either "print" or "presentation" indicating whether to optimize the plot for print form (light background) or presentation form (dark background).


Character vector indicating where bubblePlots should be placed. Default folder is "Visualizations/bubblePlots".


bubblePlot_Styles is an omnibus function containing a number of applications of the bubblePlot function with data output from SGP analyses. As added styles are constructed they will be added to the function allowing user to construct plots of their liking. User wishing to participate and provide or suggest specific styles of their own should contact the package maintainer. Styles representing summary level data (e.g., growth and achievement for schools) are currently assigned numbers from 1 to 99 and styles representing individual level data (e.g., growth and achievement for students within a single grade) are currently assigned numbers from 100 to 199.

1: Growth and achievement bubblePlots for the entire state with bubbles representing schools.
100: Growth and achievement bubblePlots by grade for students in selected schools and districts.


Function produces numerous PDF bubble charts in the styles specified by the function.


Damian W. Betebenner and Adam Van Iwaarden


Student Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth Trajectories

Damian W. Betebenner [aut, cre], Adam R. Van Iwaarden [aut], Ben Domingue [aut], Yi Shang [aut], Jonathan Weeks [ctb], John Stewart [ctb], Jinnie Choi [ctb], Xin Wei [ctb], Hi Shin Shim [ctb], Xiaoyuan Tan [ctb] (Arizona Department of Education), Carrie Giovannini [ctb] (Arizona Department of Education), Sarah Polasky [ctb] (Arizona State University), Rebecca Gau [ctb] (Arizona Charter School Association), Jeffrey Dean [ctb] (University of Arkansas), William Bonk [ctb] (Colorado Department of Education), Marie Huchton [ctb] (Colorado Department of Education), Allison Timberlake [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Qi Qin [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Melissa Fincher [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Kiran Athota [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Travis Allen [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Glenn Hirata [ctb] (Hawaii Department of Education), Glenn Nochi [ctb] (Hawaii Department of Education), Joshua Lee [ctb] (Hawaii Department of Education), Ayaka Nukui [ctb] (Idaho Department of Education), Carissa Miller [ctb] (Idaho Department of Education), Matthew Raimondi [ctb] (Elgin Area School District U46 (Illinois)), Wes Bruce [ctb] (Indiana Department of Education), Robert Hochsegang [ctb] (Indiana Department of Education), Tony Moss [ctb] (Kansas State Department of Education), Xuewen Sheng [ctb] (Kansas State Department of Education), Kathy Flanagan [ctb] (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education), Robert Lee [ctb] (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education), Ji Zeng [ctb] (Michigan Department of Education), Steve Viger [ctb] (Michigan Department of Education), Joe DeCastra [ctb] (Mississippi Department of Education), Ken Thompson [ctb] (Mississippi Department of Education), Soo Yeon Cho [ctb] (Missouri Department of Education), Jeff Halsell [ctb] (Clark County School District, Nevada), Selcuk Ozdemir [ctb] (Washoe County School District, Nevada), Roger Silva [ctb] (Nevada Department of Education), Deb Wiswell [ctb] (New Hampshire Department of Education), Katya Levitan-Reiner [ctb] (New Haven Public Schools), Catherine McCaslin [ctb] (New Haven Public Schools), Joshua Marland [ctb] (New York Education Department), W Joshua Rew [ctb] (Oregon Department of Education), Jason Becker [ctb] (Rhode Island Department of Education), Jessica Bailey [ctb] (Rhode Island Department of Education), Ana Karantonis [ctb] (Rhode Island Department of Education), Deborah Jonas [ctb] (Virginia Department of Education), Juan D'Brot [ctb] (West Virginia Department of Education), Nate Hixson [ctb] (West Virginia Department of Education), Deb Came [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Ashley Colburn [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Nick Hassell [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Krissy Johnson [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Daniel Bush [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), Justin Meyer [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), Joseph Newton [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), Nick Stroud [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), John Paul [ctb] (Wyoming Department of Education), Michael Flicek [ctb] (Michael Flicek Projects LLC working with Wyoming Department of Education), Phyllis Clay [ctb] (Albuquerque Public Schools), Peter Kinyua [ctb] (Albuquerque Public Schools), Brendan Houng [ctb] (University of Melbourne, Australia, NAPLAN), Leslie Rosale [ctb] (Ministry of Education, Guatemala), Nathan Wall [ctb] (eMetric working with Nevada Department of Education and South Dakota Department of Education), Narek Sahakyan [ctb] (World Class Instruction and Design (WIDA))
Initial release

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