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Least Squares Problems in Surveying


One of the four matrices from the least-squares solution of problems in surveying that were used by Michael Saunders and Chris Paige in the testing of LSQR




A list of class or matrix.ssc.hb depending on how the coefficient matrix is stored with the following components:

  • ra ra component of the csc or ssc format of the coefficient matrix, X.

  • ja ja component of the csc or ssc format of the coefficient matrix, X.

  • ia ia component of the csc or ssc format of the coefficient matrix, X.

  • rhs.ra ra component of the right-hand-side, y, if stored in csc or ssc format; right-hand-side stored in dense vector or matrix otherwise.

  • rhs.ja ja component of the right-hand-side, y, if stored in csc or ssc format; a null vector otherwise.

  • rhs.ia ia component of the right-hand-side, y, if stored in csc or ssc format; a null vector otherwise.

  • xexactvector of the exact solutions, b, if they exist; a null vector o therwise.

  • guessvector of the initial guess of the solutions if they exist; a null vector otherwise.

  • dimdimenson of the coefficient matrix, X.

  • rhs.dimdimenson of the right-hand-side, y.

  • rhs.modestorage mode of the right-hand-side; can be full storage or same format as the coefficient matrix.


Koenker, R and Ng, P. (2002). SparseM: A Sparse Matrix Package for R,

See Also



class(lsq) # -> [1] ""
class(X) # -> "matrix.csr"
dim(X) # -> [1] 1850  712
y <- model.response(lsq) # extract the rhs
length(y) # [1] 1850


Sparse Linear Algebra

GPL (>= 2)
Roger Koenker [cre, aut], Pin Tian Ng [ctb] (Contributions to Sparse QR code), Yousef Saad [ctb] (author of sparskit2), Ben Shaby [ctb] (author of chol2csr)
Initial release

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