Weather in Central Park NY in May 2003
A listing of various weather measurements made at Central Park in New York City during the month of May 2003.
A data frame with 31 observations on the following 19 variables.
the day
maximum temperature (temperatures in Farenheit)
minimum temperature
average temperature
departure from normal
heating degree days
cooling degree days
Water fall. A factor as "T" is a trace.
Amount of snowfall
Depth of snow
Average wind speed
Max wind speed
2 minimum direction
Sunshine measurement a factor with two levels 0
Sunshine measurement a factor with levels 0
Sunshine measurement. 0-3 = Clear, 4-7 partly cloudy, 8-10 is cloudy
(This is not as documented in the data source. Ignore this variable. It should be: 1 = FOG, 2 = FOG REDUCING VISIBILITY TO 1/4 MILE OR LESS, 3 = THUNDER, 4 = ICE PELLETS, 5 = HAIL, 6 = GLAZE OR RIME, 7 = BLOWING DUST OR SAND: VSBY 1/2 MILE OR LESS, 8 = SMOKE OR HAZE, 9 = BLOWING SNOW, X = TORNADO)
peak wind speed
direction of peak wind
This datasets summarizes the weather in New York City during the merry month of May 2003. This data set comes from the daily climate report issued by the National Weather Service Office.
This data was published on
data(central.park) attach(central.park) barplot(rbind(MIN,MAX-MIN),ylim=c(0,80))
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