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The Two-stage Sequential Binomial Distribution Family Function


Estimation of the probabilities of a two-stage binomial distribution.


seq2binomial(lprob1 = "logitlink", lprob2 = "logitlink",
             iprob1 = NULL,    iprob2 = NULL,
             parallel = FALSE, zero = NULL)


lprob1, lprob2

Parameter link functions applied to the two probabilities, called p and q below. See Links for more choices.

iprob1, iprob2

Optional initial value for the first and second probabilities respectively. A NULL means a value is obtained in the initialize slot.

parallel, zero

Details at Links. If parallel = TRUE then the constraint also applies to the intercept.


This VGAM family function fits the model described by Crowder and Sweeting (1989) which is described as follows. Each of m spores has a probability p of germinating. Of the y1 spores that germinate, each has a probability q of bending in a particular direction. Let y2 be the number that bend in the specified direction. The probability model for this data is P(y1,y2) =

{choose(m,y1)} p^{y1} (1-p)^{m-y1} {choose(y1,y2)} q^{y2} (1-q)^{y1-y2}

for 0 < p < 1, 0 < q < 1, y1=1,…,m and y2=1,…,y1. Here, p is prob1, q is prob2.

Although the Authors refer to this as the bivariate binomial model, I have named it the (two-stage) sequential binomial model. Fisher scoring is used.


An object of class "vglmff" (see vglmff-class). The object is used by modelling functions such as vglm and vgam.


The response must be a two-column matrix of sample proportions corresponding to y1 and y2. The m values should be inputted with the weights argument of vglm and vgam. The fitted value is a two-column matrix of estimated probabilities p and q. A common form of error is when there are no trials for y1, e.g., if mvector below has some values which are zero.


Thomas W. Yee


Crowder, M. and Sweeting, T. (1989). Bayesian inference for a bivariate binomial distribution. Biometrika, 76, 599–603.

See Also


sdata <- data.frame(mvector = round(rnorm(nn <- 100, m = 10, sd = 2)),
                    x2 = runif(nn))
sdata <- transform(sdata, prob1 = logitlink(+2 - x2, inverse = TRUE),
                          prob2 = logitlink(-2 + x2, inverse = TRUE))
sdata <- transform(sdata, successes1 = rbinom(nn, size = mvector,    prob = prob1))
sdata <- transform(sdata, successes2 = rbinom(nn, size = successes1, prob = prob2))
sdata <- transform(sdata, y1 = successes1 / mvector)
sdata <- transform(sdata, y2 = successes2 / successes1)
fit <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ x2, seq2binomial, weight = mvector,
            data = sdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
head(weights(fit, type = "prior"))  # Same as with(sdata, mvector)
# Number of first successes:
head(depvar(fit)[, 1] * c(weights(fit, type = "prior")))
# Number of second successes:
head(depvar(fit)[, 2] * c(weights(fit, type = "prior")) *
                          depvar(fit)[, 1])


Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models

Thomas Yee [aut, cre], Cleve Moler [ctb] (author of several LINPACK routines)
Initial release

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