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Table of Factors


banque gives the results of a bank survey onto 810 customers.




This data frame contains the following columns:

  1. csp: "Socio-professional categories" a factor with levels

    • agric Farmers

    • artis Craftsmen, Shopkeepers, Company directors

    • cadsu Executives and higher intellectual professions

    • inter Intermediate professions

    • emplo Other white-collar workers

    • ouvri Manual workers

    • retra Pensionners

    • inact Non working population

    • etudi Students

  2. duree: "Time relations with the customer" a factor with levels

    • dm2 <2 years

    • d24 [2 years, 4 years[

    • d48 [4 years, 8 years[

    • d812 [8 years, 12 years[

    • dp12 >= 12 years

  3. oppo: "Stopped a check?" a factor with levels

    • non no

    • oui yes

  4. age: "Customer's age" a factor with levels

    • ai25 [18 years, 25 years[

    • ai35 [25 years, 35 years[

    • ai45 [35 years, 45 years[

    • ai55 [45 years, 55 years[

    • ai75 [55 years, 75 years[

  5. sexe: "Customer's gender" a factor with levels

    • hom Male

    • fem Female

  6. interdit: "No checkbook allowed" a factor with levels

    • non no

    • oui yes

  7. cableue: "Possess a bank card?" a factor with levels

    • non no

    • oui yes

  8. assurvi: "Contrat of life insurance?" a factor with levels

    • non no

    • oui yes

  9. soldevu: "Balance of the current accounts" a factor with levels

    • p4 credit balance > 20000

    • p3 credit balance 12000-20000

    • p2 credit balance 4000-120000

    • p1 credit balance >0-4000

    • n1 debit balance 0-4000

    • n2 debit balance >4000

  10. eparlog: "Savings and loan association account amount" a factor with levels

    • for > 20000

    • fai >0 and <20000

    • nul nulle

  11. eparliv: "Savings bank amount" a factor with levels

    • for > 20000

    • fai >0 and <20000

    • nul nulle

  12. credhab: "Home loan owner" a factor with levels

    • non no

    • oui yes

  13. credcon: "Consumer credit amount" a factor with levels

    • nul none

    • fai >0 and <20000

    • for > 20000

  14. versesp: "Check deposits" a factor with levels

    • oui yes

    • non no

  15. retresp: "Cash withdrawals" a factor with levels

    • fai < 2000

    • moy 2000-5000

    • for > 5000

  16. remiche: "Endorsed checks amount" a factor with levels

    • for >10000

    • moy 10000-5000

    • fai 1-5000

    • nul none

  17. preltre: "Treasury Department tax deductions" a factor with levels

    • nul none

    • fai <1000

    • moy >1000

  18. prelfin: "Financial institution deductions" a factor with levels

    • nul none

    • fai <1000

    • moy >1000

  19. viredeb: "Debit transfer amount" a factor with levels

    • nul none

    • fai <2500

    • moy 2500-5000

    • for >5000

  20. virecre: "Credit transfer amount" a factor with levels

    • for >10000

    • moy 10000-5000

    • fai <5000

    • nul aucun

  21. porttit: "Securities portfolio estimations" a factor with levels

    • nul none

    • fai < 20000

    • moy 20000-100000

    • for >100000




banque.acm <- dudi.acm(banque, scannf = FALSE, nf = 3)
apply(banque.acm$cr, 2, mean)
banque.acm$eig[1:banque.acm$nf] # the same thing

if(adegraphicsLoaded()) {
  g <- s.arrow(banque.acm$c1, plabels.cex = 0.75)
} else {
  s.arrow(banque.acm$c1, clab = 0.75)


Analysis of Ecological Data: Exploratory and Euclidean Methods in Environmental Sciences

GPL (>= 2)
Stéphane Dray <>, Anne-Béatrice Dufour <>, and Jean Thioulouse <>, with contributions from Thibaut Jombart, Sandrine Pavoine, Jean R. Lobry, Sébastien Ollier, Daniel Borcard, Pierre Legendre, Stéphanie Bougeard and Aurélie Siberchicot. Based on earlier work by Daniel Chessel.
Initial release

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