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Ecological and Biological Traits


This data set gives ecological and biological characteristics of 131 species of aquatic insects.




bsetal97 is a list of 8 components.


is a vector of the names of aquatic insects.


is a data frame containing the taxonomy of species: genus, family and order.


is a data frame containing 10 biological traits for a total of 41 modalities.


is a vector of the numbers of items for each biological trait.


is a vector of the names of the biological traits.


is a data frame with 7 ecological traits for a total of 34 modalities.


is a vector of the numbers of items for each ecological trait.


is a vector of the names of the ecological traits.


The 10 variables of the data frame bsetal97$biol are called in bsetal97$biol.blo.names and the number of modalities per variable given in bsetal97$biol.blo. The variables are: female size - the body length from the front of the head to the end of the abdomen (7 length modalities), egg length - the egg size (6 modalities), egg number - count of eggs actually oviposited, generations per year (3 modalities: <= 1, 2, > 2), oviposition period - the length of time during which oviposition occurred (3 modalities: <= 2 months, between 2 and 5 months, > 5 months), incubation time - the time between oviposition and hatching of the larvae (3 modalities: <= 4 weeks, between 4 and 12 weeks, > 12 weeks), egg shape (1-spherical, 2-oval, 3-cylindrical), egg attachment - physiological feature of the egg and of the female (4 modalities), clutch structure (1-single eggs, 2-grouped eggs, 3-egg masses), clutch number (3 modalities : 1, 2, > 2).

The 7 variables of the data frame bsetal97$ecol are called in bsetal97$ecol.blo.names and the number of modalities per variable given in bsetal97$ecol.blo. The variables are: oviposition site - position relative to the water (7 modalities), substratum type for eggs - the substratum to which the eggs are definitely attached (6 modalities), egg deposition - the position of the eggs during the oviposition process (4 modalities), gross habitat - the general habitat use of the species such as temporary waters or estuaries (8 modalities), saturation variance - the exposure of eggs to the risk of dessication (2 modalities), time of day (1-morning, 2-day, 3-evening, 4-night), season - time of the year (1-Spring, 2-Summer, 3-Automn).


Statzner, B., Hoppenhaus, K., Arens, M.-F. and Richoux, P. (1997) Reproductive traits, habitat use and templet theory: a synthesis of world-wide data on aquatic insects. Freshwater Biology, 38, 109–135.


See a data description at (in French).


X <- prep.fuzzy.var(bsetal97$biol, bsetal97$biol.blo)
Y <- prep.fuzzy.var(bsetal97$ecol, bsetal97$ecol.blo)
plot(coinertia(dudi.fca(X, scan = FALSE), 
    dudi.fca(Y, scan = FALSE), scan = FALSE))


Analysis of Ecological Data: Exploratory and Euclidean Methods in Environmental Sciences

GPL (>= 2)
Stéphane Dray <>, Anne-Béatrice Dufour <>, and Jean Thioulouse <>, with contributions from Thibaut Jombart, Sandrine Pavoine, Jean R. Lobry, Sébastien Ollier, Daniel Borcard, Pierre Legendre, Stéphanie Bougeard and Aurélie Siberchicot. Based on earlier work by Daniel Chessel.
Initial release

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