Granulometric Curves
This data set gives the repartition in diameter classes of deposit samples.
is a list of 2 components.
contains the 49 deposit samples, 9 diameter classes, weight of grains by size class
contains the boundaries of the diameter classes
Gaschignard-Fossati, O. (1986) Répartition spatiale des macroinvertébrés benthiques d'un bras vif du Rhône. Rôle des crues et dynamique saisonnière. Thèse de doctorat, Université Lyon 1.
data(granulo) w <- t(apply(granulo$tab, 1, function (x) x / sum(x))) w <- data.frame(w) wtr <- data.frame(t(w)) wmoy <- data.frame(matrix(apply(wtr, 1, mean), 1)) d1 <- dudi.pca(w, scal = FALSE, scan = FALSE) wmoy <- suprow(d1, wmoy)$lisup if(adegraphicsLoaded()) { s.arrow(d1$c1, plab.cex = 1.5) s.distri(d1$c1, wtr, starSize = 0.33, ellipseSize = 0, add = TRUE, plab.cex = 0.75) s.label(wmoy, ppoints.cex = 5, plab.cex = 0, add = TRUE) } else { s.arrow(d1$c1, clab = 1.5) s.distri(d1$c1, wtr, cstar = 0.33, cell = 0, axesell = FALSE, add.p = TRUE, clab = 0.75) s.label(wmoy, cpoi = 5, clab = 0, add.p = TRUE) }
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