Phylogeny and quantitative traits of flowers
This data set describes the phylogeny of 17 flowers as reported by Ackerly and Donoghue (1998). It also gives 31 traits corresponding to these 17 species.
is a list containing the 2 following objects :
is a character string giving the phylogenetic tree in Newick format.
is a data frame with 17 species and 31 traits
Ackerly, D. D. and Donoghue, M.J. (1998) Leaf size, sapling allometry, and Corner's rules: phylogeny and correlated evolution in Maples (Acer). American Naturalist, 152, 767–791.
data(maples) phy <- newick2phylog(maples$tre) dom <- maples$tab$Dom bif <- maples$tab$Bif if (requireNamespace("adephylo", quietly = TRUE) & requireNamespace("ape", quietly = TRUE)) { phylo <- ape::read.tree(text = maples$tre) adephylo::orthogram(dom, tre = phylo) adephylo::orthogram(bif, tre = phylo) par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) dotchart.phylog(phy, dom) dotchart.phylog(phy, bif, clabel.nodes = 0.7) par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) plot(bif, dom, pch = 20) abline(lm(dom~bif)) summary(lm(dom~bif)) cor.test(bif, dom) pic.bif <- ape::pic(bif, phylo) pic.dom <- ape::pic(dom, phylo) cor.test(pic.bif, pic.dom) }
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