Ecological Data : sites-variables, sites-species, where and when
This data set contains information about sites, environmental variables and Ephemeroptera Species.
is a list of 3 components.
is a data frame with 24 sites and 10 physicochemical variables.
is a data frame with 24 sites and 13 Ephemeroptera Species.
is a data frame with 24 sites and 2 factors.
: is a factor with 4 levels = seasons.
: is a factor with 6 levels = sites.
Data set equivalents to meaudret
, except that one site (6) along the Bourne (a Meaudret affluent) and
one physico chemical variable - the oxygen concentration were added.
Pegaz-Maucet, D. (1980) Impact d'une perturbation d'origine organique sur la dérive des macro-invertébrés benthiques d'un cours d'eau. Comparaison avec le benthos. Thèse de 3ème cycle, Université Lyon 1, 130 p.
Thioulouse, J., Simier, M. and Chessel, D. (2004) Simultaneous analysis of a sequence of paired ecological tables. Ecology, 85, 1, 272–283.
data(meau) pca1 <- dudi.pca(meau$env, scan = FALSE, nf = 4) pca2 <- bca(pca1, meau$design$season, scan = FALSE, nf = 2) if(adegraphicsLoaded()) { g1 <- s.class(pca1$li, meau$design$season, psub.text = "Principal Component Analysis", plot = FALSE) g2 <- s.class(pca2$ls, meau$design$season, psub.text = "Between seasons Principal Component Analysis", plot = FALSE) g3 <- s.corcircle(pca1$co, plot = FALSE) g4 <- s.corcircle(pca2$as, plot = FALSE) G <- ADEgS(list(g1, g2, g3, g4), layout = c(2, 2)) } else { par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) s.class(pca1$li, meau$design$season, sub = "Principal Component Analysis") s.class(pca2$ls, meau$design$season, sub = "Between seasons Principal Component Analysis") s.corcircle(pca1$co) s.corcircle(pca2$as) par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) }
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