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Road distances in New-Zealand


This data set gives the road distances between 13 towns in New-Zealand.




zealand is a list with the following components:


a data frame with 13 rows (New Zealand towns) and 13 columns (New Zealand towns) containing the road distances between these towns


a data frame containing the coordinates of the 13 towns


an object of class neig, a neighbour graph to visualize the map shape


a neighborhood object (class nb defined in package spdep)


Manly, B.F. (1994). Multivariate Statistical Methods. A primer., Second edition, Chapman and Hall, London, 1–215, page 172.


d0 <- as.dist(as.matrix(zealand$road))
d1 <- cailliez (d0)
d2 <- lingoes(d0)

if(adegraphicsLoaded()) {
  G1 <- s.label(zealand$xy, lab = as.character(1:13), nb = zealand$nb)
  g1 <- s.label(cmdscale(dist(zealand$xy)), lab = as.character(1:13), nb = zealand$nb, 
    psub.text = "Distance canonique", plot = FALSE)
  g2 <- s.label(cmdscale(d0), lab = as.character(1:13), nb = zealand$nb, 
    psub.text = "Distance routiere", plot = FALSE)
  g3 <- s.label(cmdscale(d1), lab = as.character(1:13), nb = zealand$nb, 
    psub.text = "Distance routiere / Cailliez", plot = FALSE)
  g4 <- s.label(cmdscale(d2), lab = as.character(1:13), nb = zealand$nb, 
    psub.text = "Distance routiere / Lingoes", plot = FALSE)
  G2 <- ADEgS(list(g1, g2, g3, g4), layout = c(2, 2))

} else {
  s.label(zealand$xy, lab = as.character(1:13), neig = zealand$neig)
  par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
  s.label(cmdscale(dist(zealand$xy)), lab = as.character(1:13), 
    neig = zealand$neig, sub = "Distance canonique", csub = 2)
  s.label(cmdscale(d0), lab = as.character(1:13), neig = zealand$neig, 
    sub = "Distance routiere", csub = 2)
  s.label(cmdscale(d1), lab = as.character(1:13), neig = zealand$neig, 
    sub = "Distance routiere / Cailliez", csub = 2)
  s.label(cmdscale(d2), lab = as.character(1:13), neig = zealand$neig, 
    sub = "Distance routiere / Lingoes", csub = 2)


Analysis of Ecological Data: Exploratory and Euclidean Methods in Environmental Sciences

GPL (>= 2)
Stéphane Dray <>, Anne-Béatrice Dufour <>, and Jean Thioulouse <>, with contributions from Thibaut Jombart, Sandrine Pavoine, Jean R. Lobry, Sébastien Ollier, Daniel Borcard, Pierre Legendre, Stéphanie Bougeard and Aurélie Siberchicot. Based on earlier work by Daniel Chessel.
Initial release

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