Microsatellites genotypes of 15 cattle breeds
This data set gives the genotypes of 704 cattle individuals for 30 microsatellites recommended by the FAO. The individuals are divided into two countries (Afric, France), two species (Bos taurus, Bos indicus) and 15 breeds. Individuals were chosen in order to avoid pseudoreplication according to their exact genealogy.
is a genind object with 3 supplementary components:
a factor giving the country of each individual (AF: Afric; FR: France).
a factor giving the breed of each individual.
is a factor giving the species of each individual (BT: Bos taurus; BI: Bos indicus).
Data prepared by Katayoun Moazami-Goudarzi and Denis Lalo\"e (INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France)
Lalo\"e D., Jombart T., Dufour A.-B. and Moazami-Goudarzi K. (2007) Consensus genetic structuring and typological value of markers using Multiple Co-Inertia Analysis. Genetics Selection Evolution. 39: 545–567.
## Not run: data(microbov) microbov summary(microbov) # make Y, a genpop object Y <- genind2genpop(microbov) # make allelic frequency table temp <- makefreq(Y,missing="mean") X <- temp$tab nsamp <- temp$nobs # perform 1 PCA per marker kX <- ktab.data.frame(data.frame(X),Y@loc.n.all) kpca <- list() for(i in 1:30) {kpca[[i]] <- dudi.pca(kX[[i]],scannf=FALSE,nf=2,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)} sel <- sample(1:30,4) col = rep('red',15) col[c(2,10)] = 'darkred' col[c(4,12,14)] = 'deepskyblue4' col[c(8,15)] = 'darkblue' # display %PCA par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(i in sel) { s.multinom(kpca[[i]]$c1,kX[[i]],n.sample=nsamp[,i],coulrow=col,sub=locNames(Y)[i]) add.scatter.eig(kpca[[i]]$eig,3,xax=1,yax=2,posi="top") } # perform a Multiple Coinertia Analysis kXcent <- kX for(i in 1:30) kXcent[[i]] <- as.data.frame(scalewt(kX[[i]],center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)) mcoa1 <- mcoa(kXcent,scannf=FALSE,nf=3, option="uniform") # coordinated %PCA mcoa.axes <- split(mcoa1$axis, Y@loc.fac) mcoa.coord <- split(mcoa1$Tli,mcoa1$TL[,1]) var.coord <- lapply(mcoa.coord,function(e) apply(e,2,var)) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(i in sel) { s.multinom(mcoa.axes[[i]][,1:2],kX[[i]],n.sample=nsamp[,i],coulrow=col,sub=locNames(Y)[i]) add.scatter.eig(var.coord[[i]],2,xax=1,yax=2,posi="top") } # reference typology par(mfrow=c(1,1)) s.label(mcoa1$SynVar,lab=popNames(microbov),sub="Reference typology",csub=1.5) add.scatter.eig(mcoa1$pseudoeig,nf=3,xax=1,yax=2,posi="top") # typologial values tv <- mcoa1$cov2 tv <- apply(tv,2,function(c) c/sum(c))*100 rownames(tv) <- locNames(Y) tv <- tv[order(locNames(Y)),] par(mfrow=c(3,1),mar=c(5,3,3,4),las=3) for(i in 1:3){ barplot(round(tv[,i],3),ylim=c(0,12),yaxt="n",main=paste("Typological value - structure",i)) axis(side=2,at=seq(0,12,by=2),labels=paste(seq(0,12,by=2),"%"),cex=3) abline(h=seq(0,12,by=2),col="grey",lty=2) } ## End(Not run)
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