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Coerce to labeller function


This transforms objects to labeller functions. Used internally by labeller().


as_labeller(x, default = label_value, multi_line = TRUE)



Object to coerce to a labeller function. If a named character vector, it is used as a lookup table before being passed on to default. If a non-labeller function, it is assumed it takes and returns character vectors and is applied to the labels. If a labeller, it is simply applied to the labels.


Default labeller to process the labels produced by lookup tables or modified by non-labeller functions.


Whether to display the labels of multiple factors on separate lines. This is passed to the labeller function.

See Also


p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, drat)) + geom_point()
p + facet_wrap(~am)

# Rename labels on the fly with a lookup character vector
to_string <- as_labeller(c(`0` = "Zero", `1` = "One"))
p + facet_wrap(~am, labeller = to_string)

# Quickly transform a function operating on character vectors to a
# labeller function:
appender <- function(string, suffix = "-foo") paste0(string, suffix)
p + facet_wrap(~am, labeller = as_labeller(appender))

# If you have more than one facetting variable, be sure to dispatch
# your labeller to the right variable with labeller()
p + facet_grid(cyl ~ am, labeller = labeller(am = to_string))


Animated Interactive Grammar of Graphics

Toby Hocking [aut, cre] (Original animint code), Hadley Wickham [aut] (Forked ggplot2 code), Winston Chang [aut] (Forked ggplot2 code), RStudio [cph] (Forked ggplot2 code), Nicholas Lewin-Koh [aut] (hexGrob), Martin Maechler [aut] (hexGrob), Randall Prium [aut] (cut_width), Susan VanderPlas [aut] (Animint GSOC 2013), Carson Sievert [aut] (Animint GSOC 2014), Kevin Ferris [aut] (Animint GSOC 2015), Jun Cai [aut] (Animint GSOC 2015), Faizan Khan [aut] (Animint GSOC 2016-2017), Vivek Kumar [aut] (Animint GSOC 2018), Himanshu Singh [aut] (Animint2 GSoC 2020)
Initial release

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