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Change axis labels, legend titles, plot title/subtitle and below-plot caption.


Change axis labels, legend titles, plot title/subtitle and below-plot caption.





ggtitle(label, subtitle = NULL)



a list of new names in the form aesthetic = "new name"


The text for the axis, plot title or caption below the plot.


the text for the subtitle for the plot which will be displayed below the title. Leave NULL for no subtitle.


p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + geom_point()
p + labs(title = "New plot title")
p + labs(x = "New x label")
p + xlab("New x label")
p + ylab("New y label")
p + ggtitle("New plot title")

# Can add a subtitle to plots with either of the following
p + ggtitle("New plot title", subtitle = "A subtitle")
p + labs(title = "New plot title", subtitle = "A subtitle")

# Can add a plot caption underneath the whole plot (for sources, notes or
# copyright), similar to the \code{sub} parameter in base R, with the
# following
p + labs(caption = "(based on data from ...)")

# This should work independently of other functions that modify the
# the scale names
p + ylab("New y label") + ylim(2, 4)
p + ylim(2, 4) + ylab("New y label")

# The labs function also modifies legend labels
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt, colour = cyl)) + geom_point()
p + labs(colour = "Cylinders")

# Can also pass in a list, if that is more convenient
p + labs(list(title = "Title", subtitle = "Subtitle", x = "X", y = "Y"))


Animated Interactive Grammar of Graphics

Toby Hocking [aut, cre] (Original animint code), Hadley Wickham [aut] (Forked ggplot2 code), Winston Chang [aut] (Forked ggplot2 code), RStudio [cph] (Forked ggplot2 code), Nicholas Lewin-Koh [aut] (hexGrob), Martin Maechler [aut] (hexGrob), Randall Prium [aut] (cut_width), Susan VanderPlas [aut] (Animint GSOC 2013), Carson Sievert [aut] (Animint GSOC 2014), Kevin Ferris [aut] (Animint GSOC 2015), Jun Cai [aut] (Animint GSOC 2015), Faizan Khan [aut] (Animint GSOC 2016-2017), Vivek Kumar [aut] (Animint GSOC 2018), Himanshu Singh [aut] (Animint2 GSoC 2020)
Initial release

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