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Analysis of Overdispersed Data


This package provides a set of functions to analyse overdispersed counts or proportions. Most of the methods are already available elsewhere but are scattered in different packages. The proposed functions should be considered as complements to more sophisticated methods such as generalized estimating equations (GEE) or generalized linear mixed effect models (GLMM).


Package: aod
Version: 1.1-32
Date: 2010-04-02
Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), methods, stats
Suggests: MASS, nlme, boot
License: GPL version 2 or newer
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: yes

Index :

AIC-methods Akaike Information Criteria
aic-class Representation of Objects of Formal Class “aic”
anova-method Likelihood-Ratio Tests for Nested ML Models
antibio Antibiotics against Shipping Fever in Calves
betabin Beta-Binomial Model for Proportions
coef-methods Methods for Function “coef” in Package aod
cohorts Data set: Age, Period and Cohort Effects for Vital Rates
deviance-methods Methods for Function deviance in Package aod
df.residual-methods Methods for Function df.residual in Package aod
dja Mortality of Djallonke Lambs in Senegal
donner Test of Proportion Homogeneity using Donner's Adjustment
drs-class Representation of Objects of Formal Class “drs”
fitted-methods Methods for Function fitted in Package aod
glimML-class Representation of Models of Formal Class “glimML”
glimQL-class Representation of Models of Formal Class “glimQL”
icc Intra-Cluster Correlation
icc-class Representation of Objects of Formal Class “icc”
invlink Transformation from the Link Scale to the Observation Scale
link Transformation from the Observation Scale to the Link Scale
lizards A Comparison of Site Preferences of Two Species of Lizard
logLik-methods Methods for Functions “logLik” in Package aod
mice Pregnant Female Mice Experiment
negbin Negative-Binomial Model for Counts
orob1 Germination Data
orob2 Germination Data
predict-methods Methods for Function “predict” in Package aod
quasibin Quasi-Likelihood Model for Proportions
quasipois Quasi-Likelihood Model for Counts
rabbits Rabbits Foetuses Survival Experiment
raoscott Test of Proportion Homogeneity using Rao and Scott's Adjustment
rats Rats Diet Experiment
residuals-methods Residuals for Maximum-Likelihood and Quasi-Likelihood Models
salmonella Salmonella Reverse Mutagenicity Assay
splitbin Splits Binomial Data into Bernoulli Data
summary,aic-method Akaike Information Statistics
summary.glimML-class Summary of Objects of Class “summary.glimML”
varbin Mean, Variance and Confidence Interval of a Proportion
varbin-class Representation of Objects of Formal Class “varbin”
vcov-methods Methods for Function “vcov” in Package aod
wald.test Wald Test for Model Coefficients


Matthieu Lesnoff <> and Renaud Lancelot <>
Maintainer: Renaud Lancelot


Analysis of Overdispersed Data

GPL (>= 2)
Matthieu Lesnoff <> and Renaud Lancelot <>
Initial release

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