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FeatherReader class


This class enables you to interact with Feather files. Create one to connect to a file or other InputStream, and call Read() on it to make an arrow::Table. See its usage in read_feather().


The FeatherReader$create() factory method instantiates the object and takes the following argument:

  • file an Arrow file connection object inheriting from RandomAccessFile.


  • $Read(columns): Returns a Table of the selected columns, a vector of integer indices

  • $column_names: Active binding, returns the column names in the Feather file

  • $schema: Active binding, returns the schema of the Feather file

  • $version: Active binding, returns 1 or 2, according to the Feather file version


Integration to 'Apache' 'Arrow'

Apache License (>= 2.0)
Neal Richardson [aut, cre], Ian Cook [aut], Jonathan Keane [aut], Romain François [aut] (<>), Jeroen Ooms [aut], Javier Luraschi [ctb], Jeffrey Wong [ctb], Apache Arrow [aut, cph]
Initial release

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