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class arrow::MemoryPool


class arrow::MemoryPool


  • backend_name: one of "jemalloc", "mimalloc", or "system". Alternative memory allocators are optionally enabled at build time. Windows builds generally have mimalloc, and most others have both jemalloc (used by default) and mimalloc. To change memory allocators at runtime, set the environment variable ARROW_DEFAULT_MEMORY_POOL to one of those strings prior to loading the arrow library.

  • bytes_allocated

  • max_memory


Integration to 'Apache' 'Arrow'

Apache License (>= 2.0)
Neal Richardson [aut, cre], Ian Cook [aut], Jonathan Keane [aut], Romain François [aut] (<>), Jeroen Ooms [aut], Javier Luraschi [ctb], Jeffrey Wong [ctb], Apache Arrow [aut, cph]
Initial release

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