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Control settings for tableby function


Control test and summary settings for the tableby function.


  test = TRUE,
  total = TRUE,
  total.pos = c("after", "before"),
  test.pname = NULL,
  numeric.simplify = FALSE,
  cat.simplify = FALSE,
  cat.droplevels = FALSE,
  ordered.simplify = FALSE,
  date.simplify = FALSE,
  numeric.test = "anova",
  cat.test = "chisq",
  ordered.test = "trend",
  surv.test = "logrank",
  date.test = "kwt",
  selectall.test = "notest",
  test.always = FALSE,
  numeric.stats = c("Nmiss", "meansd", "range"),
  cat.stats = c("Nmiss", "countpct"),
  ordered.stats = c("Nmiss", "countpct"),
  surv.stats = c("Nmiss", "Nevents", "medSurv"),
  date.stats = c("Nmiss", "median", "range"),
  selectall.stats = c("Nmiss", "countpct"),
  stats.labels = list(),
  digits = 3L,
  digits.count = 0L,
  digits.pct = 1L,
  digits.p = 3L,
  format.p = TRUE,
  digits.n = 0L,
  conf.level = 0.95,
  wilcox.correct = FALSE,
  wilcox.exact = NULL,
  chisq.correct = FALSE,
  simulate.p.value = FALSE,
  B = 2000,
  times = 1:5,



logical, telling tableby whether to perform tests of x variables across levels of the group variable.


logical, telling tableby whether to calculate a column of totals across group variable.


One of "before" or "after", denoting where to put the total column relative to the by-variable columns.


character string denoting the p-value column name in summary.tableby. Modifiable also with modpval.tableby.

numeric.simplify, date.simplify

logical, tell tableby whether to condense numeric/date output to a single line. NOTE: this only simplifies to one line if there is only one statistic reported, such as meansd. In particular, if Nmiss is specified and there are missings, then the output is not simplified.

cat.simplify, ordered.simplify

logical, tell tableby whether to remove the first level of the categorical/ordinal variable if binary. If TRUE, only the summary stats of the second level are reported (unless there's only one level, in which case it's reported). If "label", the second level's label is additionally appended to the label. NOTE: this only simplifies to one line if there is only one statistic reported, such as countpct. In particular, if Nmiss is specified and there are missings, then the output is not simplified.


Should levels be dropped for categorical variables? If set to true, p-values will not be displayed unless test.always = TRUE as well.


name of test for numeric RHS variables in tableby: anova, kwt (Kruskal-Wallis). If no LHS variable exists, then a mean is required for a univariate test.


name of test for categorical variables: chisq, fe (Fisher's Exact)


name of test for ordered variables: trend


name of test for survival variables: logrank


name of test for date variables: kwt


name of test for date variables: notest


Should the test be performed even if one or more by-group has 0 observations? Relevant for kwt and anova.

numeric.stats, cat.stats, ordered.stats, surv.stats, date.stats, selectall.stats

summary statistics to include for the respective class of RHS variables within the levels of the group LHS variable.


A named list of labels for all the statistics function names, where the function name is the named element in the list and the value that goes with it is a string containing the formal name that will be printed in all printed renderings of the output, e.g., list(countpct="Count (Pct)"). Any unnamed elements will be ignored. Passing NULL will disable labels.


Number of decimal places for numeric values.


Number of decimal places for count values.


Number of decimal places for percents.


Number of decimal places for p-values.


Logical, denoting whether to format p-values. See "Details", below.


Number of decimal places for N's in the header. Set it to NA to suppress the N's.


Numeric, denoting what confidence level to use for confidence intervals. (See, e.g., binomCI)

wilcox.correct, wilcox.exact

See wilcox.test


logical, correction factor for chisq.test


logical, simulate p-value for categorical tests (fe and chisq)


number of simulations to perform for simulation-based p-value


A vector of times to use for survival summaries.


additional arguments.


All tests can be turned off by setting test to FALSE. Otherwise, test are set to default settings in this list, or set explicitly in the formula of tableby.

If format.p is FALSE, digits.p denotes the number of significant digits shown. The p-values will be in exponential notation if necessary. If format.p is TRUE, digits.p will determine the number of digits after the decimal point to show. If the p-value is less than the resulting number of places, it will be formatted to show so.

Options for statistics are described more thoroughly in the vignette and are listed in tableby.stats


A list with settings to be used within the tableby function.


Jason Sinnwell, Beth Atkinson, Ethan Heinzen, Terry Therneau, adapted from SAS Macros written by Paul Novotny and Ryan Lennon

See Also


## make 3+ categories for Response
mdat <- data.frame(Response=c(0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1),
                   Sex=sample(c("Male", "Female"), 10,replace=TRUE),
                   Age=round(rnorm(10,mean=40, sd=5)),

## allow default summaries in RHS variables, and pass control args to
## main function, to be picked up with ... when calling tableby.control
outResp <- tableby(Response ~ Sex + Age + HtIn, data=mdat, total=FALSE, test=TRUE)
outCtl <- tableby(Response ~ Sex + Age + HtIn, data=mdat,
                  control=tableby.control(total=TRUE, cat.simplify=TRUE,
summary(outResp, text=TRUE)
summary(outCtl, text=TRUE)


An Arsenal of 'R' Functions for Large-Scale Statistical Summaries

GPL (>= 2)
Ethan Heinzen [aut, cre], Jason Sinnwell [aut], Elizabeth Atkinson [aut], Tina Gunderson [aut], Gregory Dougherty [aut], Patrick Votruba [ctb], Ryan Lennon [ctb], Andrew Hanson [ctb], Krista Goergen [ctb], Emily Lundt [ctb], Brendan Broderick [ctb], Maddie McCullough [art]
Initial release

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