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Summarize the Computational Status


This function gives an encompassing overview over the computational status on your system. The status can be one or many of the following:

  • “defined”: Jobs which are defined via batchMap or addExperiments, but are not yet submitted.

  • “submitted”: Jobs which are submitted to the batch system via submitJobs, scheduled for execution.

  • “started”: Jobs which have been started.

  • “done”: Jobs which terminated successfully.

  • “error”: Jobs which terminated with an exception.

  • “running”: Jobs which are listed by the cluster functions to be running on the live system. Not supported for all cluster functions.

  • “queued”: Jobs which are listed by the cluster functions to be queued on the live system. Not supported for all cluster functions.

  • “system”: Jobs which are listed by the cluster functions to be queued or running. Not supported for all cluster functions.

  • “expired”: Jobs which have been submitted, but vanished from the live system. Note that this is determined heuristically and may include some false positives.

Here, a job which terminated successfully counts towards the jobs which are submitted, started and done. To retrieve the corresponding job ids, see findJobs.


getStatus(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry())



[data.frame or integer]
A data.frame (or data.table) with a column named “”. Alternatively, you may also pass a vector of integerish job ids. If not set, defaults to all jobs. Invalid ids are ignored.


Registry. If not explicitly passed, uses the default registry (see setDefaultRegistry).


[data.table] (with class “Status” for printing).

See Also


tmp = makeRegistry(file.dir = NA, make.default = FALSE)
fun = function(i) if (i == 3) stop(i) else i
ids = batchMap(fun, i = 1:5, reg = tmp)
submitJobs(ids = 1:4, reg = tmp)
waitForJobs(reg = tmp)

tab = getStatus(reg = tmp)


Tools for Computation on Batch Systems

Michel Lang [cre, aut] (<>), Bernd Bischl [aut], Dirk Surmann [ctb] (<>)
Initial release

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