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Conjoint Survey Data for Digital Cameras


Panel dataset from a conjoint survey for digital cameras with 332 respondents. Data exclude respondents that always answered none, always picked the same brand, always selected the highest priced offering, or who appeared to be answering randomly.




A list of lists. Each inner list corresponds to one survey respondent and contains a numeric vector (y) of choice indicators and a numeric matrix (X) of covariates. Each respondent participated in 16 choice scenarios each including 4 camera options (and an outside option) for a total of 80 rows per respondent.


The covariates included in each X matrix are:

...$canon an indicator for brand Canon
...$sony an indicator for brand Sony
...$nikon an indicator for brand Nikon
...$panasonic an indicator for brand Panasonic
...$pixels an indicator for a higher pixel count
...$zoom an indicator for a higher level of zoom
...$video an indicator for the ability to capture video
...$swivel an indicator for a swivel video display
...$wifi an indicator for wifi capability
...$price in hundreds of U.S. dollars


Allenby, Greg, Jeff Brazell, John Howell, and Peter Rossi (2014), "Economic Valuation of Product Features," Quantitative Marketing and Economics 12, 421–456.

Allenby, Greg, Jeff Brazell, John Howell, and Peter Rossi (2014), "Valuation of Patented Product Features," Journal of Law and Economics 57, 629–663.


For analysis of a similar dataset, see Case Study 4, Bayesian Statistics and Marketing Rossi, Allenby, and McCulloch


Bayesian Inference for Marketing/Micro-Econometrics

GPL (>= 2)
Peter Rossi <>
Initial release

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