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Shuffle web entries


Shuffles (= relocates) entries in a web matrix whilst maintaining the dimensionality.


shuffle.web(web, N, legacy=TRUE)



An interaction matrix.


Number of desired shuffled matrices.


Logical; use the old or new algorithm? Defaults to TRUE, i.e. the old algorithm. The new algorithm was written by Paul Rabie and is about 3 times faster (due to avoiding a loop). For consistency reasons, the old, slow algorithm remains the default.


This function is designed to behave similar to r2dtable, i.e. it returns a list of randomised matrices. In contrast to r2dtable is does not keep marginal sums constant!

This function is thought of as a null model for the analysis of bipartite webs. It keeps two web properties constant: The number of interactions and the number of links (and hence connectance). A comparison of shuffle.web- and r2dtable-based webs allows to elucidate the effect of marginal sums.


A list of N randomised matrices with the same dimensions as the initial web.


shuffle.web is not an extremely intelligent nullmodel. You may want to think of a better one for your specific application!


Carsten F. Dormann <>


This null model can be thought of as a quantitative version of Fortuna & Bascompte (2006) “null model 1”:

Fortuna, M. A., and J. Bascompte. 2006. Habitat loss and the structure of plant-animal mutualistic networks. Ecology Letters 9: 281-286.

For a very nice and thorough overview of null models in general see:

Gotelli, N. J., and G. R. Graves. 1996. Null Models in Ecology. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C.

For null models and their application to webs/networks see, e.g.:

Vázquez, D. P., and M. A. Aizen. 2003. Null model analyses of specialization in plant-pollinator interactions. Ecology 84: 2493-2501.

Vázquez, D. P., C. J. Melian, N. M. Williams, N. Blüthgen, B. R. Krasnov, and R. Poulin. 2007. Species abundance and asymmetric interaction strength in ecological networks. Oikos 116: 1120-1127.

See Also



shuffle.web(Safariland, N=2)


Visualising Bipartite Networks and Calculating Some (Ecological) Indices

Carsten F. Dormann, Jochen Fruend and Bernd Gruber, with additional code from Stephen Beckett, Mariano Devoto, Gabriel Felix, Jose Iriondo, Tove Opsahl, Rafael Pinheiro, Rouven Strauss and Diego Vazquez, also based on C-code developed by Nils Bluethgen, Aaron Clauset/Rouven Strauss and Miguel Rodriguez-Girones
Initial release

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