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(Deprecated) Tidy density objects


(Deprecated) Tidy density objects


## S3 method for class 'density'
tidy(x, ...)



A density object returned from stats::density().


Additional arguments. Not used. Needed to match generic signature only. Cautionary note: Misspelled arguments will be absorbed in ..., where they will be ignored. If the misspelled argument has a default value, the default value will be used. For example, if you pass conf.lvel = 0.9, all computation will proceed using conf.level = 0.95. Additionally, if you pass newdata = my_tibble to an augment() method that does not accept a newdata argument, it will use the default value for the data argument.


A tibble::tibble with two columns: points x where the density is estimated, and estimated density y.

See Also


Convert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles

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Initial release

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