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German Credit Data


Data from Dr. Hans Hofmann of the University of Hamburg.


These data have two classes for the credit worthiness: good or bad. There are predictors related to attributes, such as: checking account status, duration, credit history, purpose of the loan, amount of the loan, savings accounts or bonds, employment duration, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income, personal information, other debtors/guarantors, residence duration, property, age, other installment plans, housing, number of existing credits, job information, Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for, telephone, and foreign worker status.

Many of these predictors are discrete and have been expanded into several 0/1 indicator variables


UCI Machine Learning Repository


Classification and Regression Training

GPL (>= 2)
Max Kuhn [aut, cre], Jed Wing [ctb], Steve Weston [ctb], Andre Williams [ctb], Chris Keefer [ctb], Allan Engelhardt [ctb], Tony Cooper [ctb], Zachary Mayer [ctb], Brenton Kenkel [ctb], R Core Team [ctb], Michael Benesty [ctb], Reynald Lescarbeau [ctb], Andrew Ziem [ctb], Luca Scrucca [ctb], Yuan Tang [ctb], Can Candan [ctb], Tyler Hunt [ctb]
Initial release

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