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Rosenberg-Kim Kinship Terms Partition Data


Partitions of 15 kinship terms given by 85 female undergraduates at Rutgers University who were asked to sort the terms into classes “on the basis of some aspect of meaning”.




A cluster ensemble of 85 hard partitions of the 15 kinship terms.


Rosenberg and Kim (1975) describe an experiment where perceived similarities of the kinship terms were obtained from six different “sorting” experiments. These “original” Rosenberg-Kim kinship terms data were published in Arabie, Carroll and de Sarbo (1987), and are also contained in file ‘’ in the shell archive

For one of the experiments, partitions of the terms were printed in Rosenberg (1982). Comparison with the original data indicates that the partition data have the “nephew” and “niece” columns interchanged, which is corrected in the data set at hand.


Table 7.1 in Rosenberg (1982), with the “nephew” and “niece” columns interchanged.


P. Arabie, J. D. Carroll and W. S. de Sarbo (1987). Three-way scaling and clustering. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

S. Rosenberg and M. P. Kim (1975). The method of sorting as a data-gathering procedure in multivariate research. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 10, 489–502.
doi: 10.1207/s15327906mbr1004_7.

S. Rosenberg (1982). The method of sorting in multivariate research with applications selected from cognitive psychology and person perception. In N. Hirschberg and L. G. Humphreys (eds.), Multivariate Applications in the Social Sciences, 117–142. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.


Cluster Ensembles

Kurt Hornik [aut, cre] (<>), Walter Böhm [ctb]
Initial release

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