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Polylogarithm Li_s(z) and Debye Functions


Compute the polylogarithm function Li_s(z), initially defined as the power series,

Li_s(z) = sum(k=1..Inf; z^k / k^s),

for |z| < 1, and then more generally (by analytic continuation) as

Li_1(z) = -log(1-z),


Li_{s+1}(z) = Int[0..z] (Li_s(t) / t) dt.

Currently, mainly the case of negative integer s is well supported, as that is used for some of the Archimedean copula densities.

For s = 2, Li_2(z) is also called ‘dilogarithm’ or “Spence's function”. The "default" method uses the dilog or complex_dilog function from package gsl, respectively when s = 2.

Also compute the Debye_n functions, for n=1 and n=2, in a slightly more general manner than the gsl package functions debye_1 and debye_2 (which cannot deal with non-finite x.)


polylog(z, s,
        method = c("default", "sum", "negI-s-Stirling",
                   "negI-s-Eulerian", "negI-s-asymp-w"),
        logarithm = FALSE, is.log.z = FALSE, is.logmlog = FALSE,
        asymp.w.order = 0, n.sum)




numeric or complex vector


complex number; current implementation is aimed at s in (0,-1,...)


a string specifying the algorithm to be used.


logical specified to return log(Li.(.)) instead of Li.(.)


logical; if TRUE, the specified z argument is really w = log(z); that is, we compute Li_s(exp(w)), and we typically have w < 0, or equivalently, z < 1.


logical; if TRUE, the specified argument z is lw = log(-w) = log(-log(z)) (where as above, w = log(z)).


currently only default is implemented.


for method="sum" only: the number of terms used.


numeric vector, may contain Inf, NA, and negative values.


Almost entirely taken from

For integer values of the polylogarithm order, the following explicit expressions are obtained by repeated application of z * d/dz to Li_1(z):

Li_1(z) = -log(1-z), Li_0(z) = z / (1-z), Li_{-1}(z) = z / (1-z)^2, Li_{-2}(z) = z (1+z) / (1-z)^3,

Li_{-3}(z) = z (1+4z+z^2) / (1-z)^4, etc.

Accordingly, the polylogarithm reduces to a ratio of polynomials in z, and is therefore a rational function of z, for all nonpositive integer orders. The general case may be expressed as a finite sum:

Li_{-n}(z) = ( z d/dz )^n z/(1-z) = sum(k=0..n ; k! S(n+1,k+1) (z /(1-z))^(k+1)), (n=0,1,2,...),

where S(n,k) are the Stirling numbers of the second kind.

Equivalent formulae applicable to negative integer orders are (Wood 1992, § 6) ...

Li_{-n}(z) = 1/((1-z)^(n+1)) sum(k=0..(n-1); < n \ k > z^(n-k)) = = (z ∑_{k=0}^{n-1} < n \ k > z^k) / ((1-z)^(n+1)), (n=1,2,3,..),

where < n \ k > are the Eulerian numbers; see also Eulerian.


numeric/complex vector as z, or x, respectively.


Wikipedia (2011) Polylogarithm,

Wood, D. C. (June 1992). The Computation of Polylogarithms. Technical Report 15-92. Canterbury, UK: University of Kent Computing Laboratory.

Apostol, T. M. (2010), "Polylogarithm", in the NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions,

Lewin, L. (1981). Polylogarithms and Associated Functions. New York: North-Holland. ISBN 0-444-00550-1.

For Debye functions: Levin (1981) above, and
Wikipedia (2014) Debye function,

See Also

The polylogarithm is used in MLE for some Archimedean copulas; see emle;

The Debye functions are used for tau or rho computations of the Frank copula.


## The dilogarithm,  polylog(z, s = 2) = Li_2(.) -- mathmatically defined on C \ [1, Inf)
## so x -> 1 is a limit case:
polylog(z = 1, s = 2)
## in the limit, should be equal to
pi^2 / 6

## Default method uses  GSL's dilog():
rLi2 <- curve(polylog(x, 2), -5, 1, n= 1+ 6*64, col=2, lwd=2)
abline(c(0,1), h=0,v=0:1, lty=3, col="gray40")
## "sum" method gives the same for |z| < 1 and large number of terms:
ii <- which(abs(rLi2$x) < 1)
            polylog(rLi2$x[ii], 2, "sum", n.sum = 1e5),
          tolerance = 1e-15))

z1 <- c(0.95, 0.99, 0.995, 0.999, 0.9999)
L   <- polylog(         z1,  s=-3,method="negI-s-Euler") # close to Inf
LL  <- polylog(     log(z1), s=-3,method="negI-s-Euler",is.log.z=TRUE)
LLL <- polylog(log(-log(z1)),s=-3,method="negI-s-Euler",is.logmlog=TRUE)
all.equal(L, LL)
all.equal(L, LLL)

p.Li <- function(s.set, from = -2.6, to = 1/4, ylim = c(-1, 0.5),
                 colors = c("orange","brown", palette()), n = 201, ...)
    s.set <- sort(s.set, decreasing = TRUE)
    s <- s.set[1] # <_ for auto-ylab
    curve(polylog(x, s, method="negI-s-Stirling"), from, to,
          col=colors[1], ylim=ylim, n=n, ...)
    abline(h=0,v=0, col="gray")
    for(is in seq_along(s.set)[-1])
        curve(polylog(x, s=s.set[is], method="negI-s-Stirling"),
              add=TRUE, col = colors[is], n=n)
    s <- rev(s.set)
    legend("bottomright",paste("s =",s), col=colors[2-s], lty=1, bty="n")

## yellow is unbearable (on white):
palette(local({p <- palette(); p[p=="yellow"] <- "goldenrod"; p}))

## Wikipedia page plot (+/-):
p.Li(1:-3, ylim= c(-.8, 0.6), colors = c(2:4,6:7))

## and a bit more:

## For the range we need it:
ccol <- c(NA,NA, rep(palette(),10))
p.Li(-1:-20, from=0, to=.99, colors=ccol, ylim = c(0, 10))
## log-y scale:
p.Li(-1:-20, from=0, to=.99, colors=ccol, ylim = c(.01, 1e7),
     log = "y", yaxt = "n")
if(require(sfsmisc)) eaxis(2) else axis(2)


Multivariate Dependence with Copulas

GPL (>= 3) | file LICENCE
Marius Hofert [aut] (<>), Ivan Kojadinovic [aut] (<>), Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Jun Yan [aut] (<>), Johanna G. Nešlehová [ctb] (evTestK(), <>), Rebecca Morger [ctb] ( code for free mixCopula weight parameters)
Initial release

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