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Sample Univariate Distributions Involved in Nested Frank and Joe Copulas


rF01Frank: Generate a vector of random variates V01 ~ F01 with Laplace-Stieltjes transform

psi01(t;V0) = ((1-(1-exp(-t)*(1-e^-theta1))^(theta0/theta1))/ (1-e^-theta0))^V0.

for the given realizations V0 of Frank's F0 and the parameters theta0, theta1 in (0,Inf) such that theta0 <= theta1. This distribution appears on sampling nested Frank copulas. The parameter rej is used to determine the cut-off point of two algorithms that are involved in sampling F01. If rej < V0*theta_0*(1-e^{-theta0})^(V0-1) a rejection from F01 of Joe is applied (see rF01Joe; the meaning of the parameter approx is explained below), otherwise a sum is sampled with a logarithmic envelope for each summand.

rF01Joe: Generate a vector of random variates V01 ~ F01 with Laplace-Stieltjes transform

psi01(t;V0) = (1-(1-exp(-t))^alpha)^V0.

for the given realizations V0 of Joe's F0 and the parameter alpha in (0,1]. This distribution appears on sampling nested Joe copulas. Here, alpha = theta0/theta1, where theta0, theta1 in [1,Inf) such that theta0 <= theta1. The parameter approx denotes the largest number of summands in the sum-representation of V01 before the asymptotic

V01 = V0^(1/alpha) S(alpha,1, cos^(1/alpha)(alpha*pi/2), 1_(alpha==1); 1)

is used to sample V01.


rF01Frank(V0, theta0, theta1, rej, approx)
rF01Joe(V0, alpha, approx)



a vector of random variates from F0.

theta0, theta1, alpha

parameters theta0, theta1 and alpha as described above.


parameter value as described above.


parameter value as described above.


A vector of positive integers of length n containing the generated random variates.


Hofert, M. (2011). Efficiently sampling nested Archimedean copulas. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 55, 57–70.

See Also


## Sample n random variates V0 ~ F0 for Frank and Joe with parameter
## chosen such that Kendall's tau equals 0.2 and plot histogram
n <- 1000
theta0.F <- copFrank@iTau(0.2)
V0.F <- copFrank@V0(n,theta0.F)
hist(log(V0.F), prob=TRUE); lines(density(log(V0.F)), col=2, lwd=2)
theta0.J <- copJoe@iTau(0.2)
V0.J <- copJoe@V0(n,theta0.J)
hist(log(V0.J), prob=TRUE); lines(density(log(V0.J)), col=2, lwd=2)

## Sample corresponding V01 ~ F01 for Frank and Joe and plot histogram
## copFrank@V01 calls rF01Frank(V0, theta0, theta1, rej=1, approx=10000)
## copJoe@V01 calls rF01Joe(V0, alpha, approx=10000)
theta1.F <- copFrank@iTau(0.5)
V01.F <- copFrank@V01(V0.F,theta0.F,theta1.F)
hist(log(V01.F), prob=TRUE); lines(density(log(V01.F)), col=2, lwd=2)
theta1.J <- copJoe@iTau(0.5)
V01.J <- copJoe@V01(V0.J,theta0.J,theta1.J)
hist(log(V01.J), prob=TRUE); lines(density(log(V01.J)), col=2, lwd=2)


Multivariate Dependence with Copulas

GPL (>= 3) | file LICENCE
Marius Hofert [aut] (<>), Ivan Kojadinovic [aut] (<>), Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Jun Yan [aut] (<>), Johanna G. Nešlehová [ctb] (evTestK(), <>), Rebecca Morger [ctb] ( code for free mixCopula weight parameters)
Initial release

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