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covr: Test coverage for packages


covr tracks and reports code coverage for your package and (optionally) upload the results to a coverage service like 'Codecov' or 'Coveralls' Code coverage is a measure of the amount of code being exercised by a set of tests. It is an indirect measure of test quality and completeness. This package is compatible with any testing methodology or framework and tracks coverage of both R code and compiled C/C++/FORTRAN code.


A coverage report can be used to inspect coverage for each line in your package. Using report() requires the additional dependencies DT and htmltools.

# If run with no arguments `report()` implicitly calls `package_coverage()`


Maintainer: Jim Hester

Other contributors:

  • Willem Ligtenberg [contributor]

  • Kirill Müller [contributor]

  • Henrik Bengtsson [contributor]

  • Steve Peak [contributor]

  • Kirill Sevastyanenko [contributor]

  • Jon Clayden [contributor]

  • Robert Flight [contributor]

  • Eric Brown [contributor]

  • Brodie Gaslam [contributor]

  • Will Beasley [contributor]

  • Robert Krzyzanowski [contributor]

  • Markus Wamser [contributor]

  • Karl Forner [contributor]

  • Gergely Daróczi [contributor]

  • Jouni Helske [contributor]

  • Kun Ren [contributor]

  • Jeroen Ooms [contributor]

  • Ken Williams [contributor]

  • Chris Campbell [contributor]

  • David Hugh-Jones [contributor]

  • Qin Wang [contributor]

  • Ivan Sagalaev (highlight.js library) [contributor, copyright holder]

  • Mark Otto (Bootstrap library) [contributor]

  • Jacob Thornton (Bootstrap library) [contributor]

  • Bootstrap contributors (Bootstrap library) [contributor]

  • Twitter, Inc (Bootstrap library) [copyright holder]

See Also

Useful links:


Test Coverage for Packages

Jim Hester [aut, cre], Willem Ligtenberg [ctb], Kirill Müller [ctb], Henrik Bengtsson [ctb], Steve Peak [ctb], Kirill Sevastyanenko [ctb], Jon Clayden [ctb], Robert Flight [ctb], Eric Brown [ctb], Brodie Gaslam [ctb], Will Beasley [ctb], Robert Krzyzanowski [ctb], Markus Wamser [ctb], Karl Forner [ctb], Gergely Daróczi [ctb], Jouni Helske [ctb], Kun Ren [ctb], Jeroen Ooms [ctb], Ken Williams [ctb], Chris Campbell [ctb], David Hugh-Jones [ctb], Qin Wang [ctb], Ivan Sagalaev [ctb, cph] (highlight.js library), Mark Otto [ctb] (Bootstrap library), Jacob Thornton [ctb] (Bootstrap library), Bootstrap contributors [ctb] (Bootstrap library), Twitter, Inc [cph] (Bootstrap library)
Initial release

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