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Produce matrix of triangle vertex indices.


Lists the indices of the vertices of each Delaunay triangle in the triangulation of a planar point set. The indices are listed (in increasing numeric order) as the rows of an n x 3 matrix where n is the number of Delaunay triangles in the triangulation.





An object of class deldir (as produced by the funtion deldir()) specifying the Delaunay triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) tesselation of a planar point set.


This function was suggested by Robin Hankin of the School of Mathematical and Computing Sciences at Auckland University of Technology.


An n x 3 matrix where n is the number of Delaunay triangles in the triangulation specified by object. The i-th row consists of the indices (in the original list of points being triangulated) of vertices of the i-th Delaunay triangle. The indices are listed in increasing numeric order in each row.


Earlier versions of this function (prior to release 0.1-14 of deldir) could sometimes give incorrect results. This happened if the union of three contiguous Delaunay triangles happened to constitute another triangle. This latter triangle would appear in the list of triangles produced by triMat() but is not itself a Delaunay triangle. The updated version of triMat() now checks for this possibility and gives (I think!) correct results.

Many thanks to Jay Call, who pointed out this bug to me.


See Also


# These are the data used by Jay Call to illustrate the bug
# that appeared in a previous incarnation of triMat.
xy <- data.frame(
          x = c(0.048,0.412,0.174,0.472,0.607,0.565,0.005,0.237,0.810,0.023),
          y = c(0.512,0.928,0.955,0.739,0.946,0.134,0.468,0.965,0.631,0.782)
dxy <- deldir(xy)
M   <- triMat(dxy)
# The triangle with vertices {4,5,8} was listed in the output of
# the previous (buggy) version of triMat().  It is NOT a Delaunay
# triangle and hence should NOT be listed.


Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation

GPL (>= 2)
Rolf Turner
Initial release

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