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Ozone readings in Los Angeles with incomplete cases removed


Ozone readings in Los Angeles, with incomplete cases removed.


A data frame with 330 observations on 10 variables.

O3 daily maximum of the hourly average ozone concentrations in Upland, CA
vh 500 millibar pressure height, measured at the Vandenberg air force base
wind wind speed in mph at LAX airport
humidity humidity in percent at LAX
temp Sandburg Air Force Base temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
ibh temperature inversion base height in feet
dpg pressure gradient from LAX to Daggert in mm Hg
ibt inversion base temperature at LAX in degrees Fahrenheit
vis visibility at LAX in miles
doy day of the year


This dataset was copied from library(faraway) and the name changed to ozone1 to prevent a name clash. The data were originally made available by Leo Breiman who was a consultant on a project where the data were generated. Example analyses using these data may be found in Faraway and in Hastie and Tibshirani.

> ozone1
        O3   vh wind humidity temp  ibh dpg ibt vis doy
    1    3 5710    4       28   40 2693 -25  87 250  33
    2    5 5700    3       37   45  590 -24 128 100  34
    3    5 5760    3       51   54 1450  25 139  60  35
    330  1 5550    4       85   39 5000   8  44 100 390


Faraway (2005) Extending the Linear Model with R

Hastie and Tibshirani (1990) Generalized Additive Models

See Also

airquality a different set of ozone data


Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines

Stephen Milborrow. Derived from mda:mars by Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani. Uses Alan Miller's Fortran utilities with Thomas Lumley's leaps wrapper.
Initial release

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