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Parallel Processing in the ergm Package


For estimation that require MCMC, ergm can take advantage of multiple CPUs or CPU cores on the system on which it runs, as well as computing clusters. It uses package parallel and snow to facilitate this, and supports all cluster types that they does. The number of nodes used and the parallel API are controlled using the parallel and parallel.type arguments passed to the control functions, such as control.ergm.

The ergm.getCluster function is usually called internally by the ergm process (in ergm_MCMC_sample) and will attempt to start the appropriate type of cluster indicated by the control.ergm settings. It will also check that the same version of ergm is installed on each node.

The ergm.stopCluster shuts down a cluster, but only if ergm.getCluster was responsible for starting it.

The ergm.restartCluster restarts and returns a cluster, but only if ergm.getCluster was responsible for starting it.

nthreads is a simple generic to obtain the number of parallel processes represented by its argument, keeping in mind that having no cluster (e.g., NULL) represents one thread.


ergm.getCluster(control = NULL, verbose = FALSE, stop_on_exit = parent.frame())

ergm.stopCluster(..., verbose = FALSE)

ergm.restartCluster(control = NULL, verbose = FALSE)

nthreads(clinfo = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'cluster'
nthreads(clinfo = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class ''NULL''
nthreads(clinfo = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'control.list'
nthreads(clinfo = NULL, ...)



a control.ergm (or similar) list of parameter values from which the parallel settings should be read; can also be NULL, in which case an existing cluster is used if started, or no cluster otherwise.


logical, should detailed status info be printed to console?


An environment or NULL. If an environment, defaulting to that of the calling function, the cluster will be stopped when the calling the frame in question exits.


not currently used


a cluster or another object.


Further details on the various cluster types are included below.

PSOCK clusters

The parallel package is used with PSOCK clusters by default, to utilize multiple cores on a system. The number of cores on a system can be determined with the detectCores function.

This method works with the base installation of R on all platforms, and does not require additional software.

For more advanced applications, such as clusters that span multiple machines on a network, the clusters can be initialized manually, and passed into ergm using the parallel control argument. See the second example below.

MPI clusters

To use MPI to accelerate ERGM sampling, pass the control parameter parallel.type="MPI". ergm requires the snow and Rmpi packages to communicate with an MPI cluster.

Using MPI clusters requires the system to have an existing MPI installation. See the MPI documentation for your particular platform for instructions.

To use ergm across multiple machines in a high performance computing environment, see the section "User initiated clusters" below.

User initiated clusters

A cluster can be passed into ergm with the parallel control parameter. ergm will detect the number of nodes in the cluster, and use all of them for MCMC sampling. This method is flexible: it will accept any cluster type that is compatible with snow or parallel packages.


# Uses 2 SOCK clusters for MCMLE estimation
nw <- faux.mesa.high
fauxmodel.01 <- ergm(nw ~ edges + isolates + gwesp(0.2, fixed=TRUE), 
                     control=control.ergm(parallel=2, parallel.type="PSOCK"))


Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks

GPL-3 + file LICENSE
Mark S. Handcock [aut], David R. Hunter [aut], Carter T. Butts [aut], Steven M. Goodreau [aut], Pavel N. Krivitsky [aut, cre] (<>), Martina Morris [aut], Li Wang [ctb], Kirk Li [ctb], Skye Bender-deMoll [ctb], Chad Klumb [ctb], Michał Bojanowski [ctb], Ben Bolker [ctb]
Initial release

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